"Wait! We should start here. I want you to meet someone!" Following his nose, Levi grabbed Eren's hand and dragged him to the other side of town.

Eren watched the streets as he let the Omega drag him. There were fewer people, almost none actually on the streets, he spotted one or two citizens and they waved at him with a smile.

Their pacing slowed down and Eren couldn't believe his eyes. Levi led him to a huge greenhouse, a herbal greenhouse.

Levi pushed the door open and Eren doesn't know where to look. Herbal and medicinal plants were everywhere, all in great conditions. He even identified herbs that don't grow on their land, rare flowers, and expensive root crops.

"Hange!" Levi called out. Spooking the small birds that lived on the building.


Eren tear his eyes away from the plants and watched as a Beta approached them. She wore safety goggles on her face and her brown hair was tied up in a messy ponytail.

"Oh, my god! Levi is that him?!" The Beta shouted and pointed at Eren. Not waiting for the Omega's reply, the Beta threw herself on the young Alpha.

"You're a real doctor right?! Right?! Right?!" The Beta hopped around Eren like an excited dog.

"Ahhh, y-yes..." Eren replied, looking over at the calm raven on the sideline, silently asking for help.

Levi just giggled at him. Poor Eren though, not sure what do to with an excited Hange.

"MY GOD! YOU'RE THE REAL DEAL!" Hange was now inspecting the Alpha's hands.

"Y-yes, can.... can you let go now?"

"Oh! Sorry! Sorry! I just can't believe it!" Hange lets go but her excitement didn't leave.

"Eren, this is Hange. The town's herbalist." Levi calmly introduced.

"I'm not a doctor but I took the role for the sake of the town. I'm a botanist, I love studying plants but when I came in town, I focused on herds and medical plants to at least help the people." Hange straightened professionally and finally toned down her excitement.

"Wow, that's great. By the way, I saw some rare herds over there, did you cultivate it?" Eren asked, turning into professional mode as well.

"No, I didn't. Before I settled here I traveled. Discovering and learning more and more until I knew how to take care of rare herbs, especially if they were taken from their natural habitat."

"That's amazing..." Eren let his eyes roam the spacious greenhouse. "I can go over there?" He pointed towards the area with a sign saying 'nursery'.

"Sure! Sure! Go ahead!" Hange guided him before going back to Levi who find himself a seat on one of the benches.

Hange sat next to him and eyed the Omega from head to toe.

"What?" Levi raised a brow at her.

"Are you Levi? As in Levi, Levi?"

"What are you talking about?" Levi rolled his eyes at the Beta's question.

"Levi, you're in a dress."

"Because I'm an Omega?" Levi asked, sarcasm laced in his voice.

"The last time you wore a dress was during the Harvest Festival and Petra literally forced you into it."

Levi's whole aura changed in an instant. "Don't you fucking dare say a word if you don't want me to fucking beat you up until you vomit all your shit."

"Geez! Okay! Okay!" Hange threw her hands up in submission.

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