Take It All (Lu's Story) Chapter 9

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Clarks not his real name. No one actually knows his name. Some call him Clark, some Mark, Clarkson, Markus, Dude With No Name... it's a mystery really. He doesn't even know his own name.

"Hey Clark?"

"Hey Lu." he replied as we sat at I Say IceCream, eating ice cream. Clark was playing with a Bop It. (A/N: OOOO if you guys don't know what a Bop It is I'm going to kill you!) He was so concentrated his facial expressions where awesome!... and funny.

"What's you real name?" He looked up at me, as the toy screamed 'YOWW!'

"Why?" he asked slowly as he looked at me closely.

I broke eye contact with him, uncomfortable under his glare. I concentrated on my surroundings. I saw a couple in one of the back booths snuggling with huge smiles on their faces.

I saw a family of three laughing and joking. They look so happy. You know when you were little and you always had that natural sense that your Mommy and Daddy would always be there and fix all you problems? Well the little girl had that expressing drawn all over her face. She looked at her parents like they were the world.

I sighed as I remembered having that same feeling so long ago, but once Wendy died I lost it. I knew that once she died then I would have to grow up, and mature up to be able to take care of myself. Cale wasn't there for me when I needed him, he had left me. Luca was in Europe handling business before the wedding. So I was alone when Officer Carden came knocking at the door telling me that my mother was gone.

Then I met Lincoln. He was like superman, you know. I thought he was invincible. No one could mess with him. Untouchable. But when I was in the hospital so long ago, I remember seeing him for the first time as a regular normal person. I saw his face suddenly go blank, like he was hiding his emotions. That was when I realized that me being in his life was, like a necessity.

I remember being told a couple years back about what happened to Lincoln when MaryAnn took Alba away from him. I remember the guys telling me how bad he was, and how much he was suffering. They were telling the story to me, Jimmy, and Jenna. Lincoln was in the room the whole time they were telling the story, but never once did he utter a word. But when he did it was at the end when the guys had already finished with the story.

"Sometimes I feel that person wanting to come out," he had took a deep breath before he continued. "It scares me sometimes knowing that anytime something goes wrong, that side of me can over come me, and start taking control of me. When they were going to take Lu away from me I felt it slowly creeping in, but Catch helped me through it. You know I keep thinking about it, and what if something like this happens again, and Catch isn't there, or if he is there, but he can't stop me from becoming that person... And you guys just give up on me..." Little by little his voice got softer and softer to barely a whisper.

"Dad, you'll be fine, and if you do get to that point I'll be there for you 100% of the way." I stood up from the couch I was sitting on, and went to sit next to him, and hugged him. He hugged me back. "And I'm sure the guys will be there for you too. They won't ever give up on you. You have us, all of us, Catcher, Amos, Saym, Jenna, Jimmy, and I. And if they decide that they're gonna give up on you, I'll beat them up for you, but I'll never give up on you. I'll always be here for you." Everyone nodded in agreement. Then of course...

"When you say always, that doesn't mean that you'll live here forever, right? Because I would hate to live around little Jimmy Junior's and Lux to the second powers." We all looked at Saym. Amos and Catcher who was closest to him hit him in the back of the head.

"She can stay here as long as she wants." Amos said, and hit him on the head again.

"Okay that was uncalled for!" Saym said as he was about to attack Amos.

"Hey, okay guys really? What have I told you?" I had said scolding.

"That violence is never the answer." They recited in unison.

"Good now group hug!" I exclaimed as I stood up with my arms wide open. Everyone groaned. "Ahh, suck it up! We're a family and we will act like a family! Now come one. Hug!" The guys purposely attacked me almost causing me to fall down, but Jimmy saved me. My hero.

After a while I felt someone pinch my butt. "Hey! Family do not pinch each others derrière!"

It was quiet for a while. "Sorry." We heard Saym call out.

I was brought beck to the present by something moist splattering all over my forehead. I jumped at the coldness, and glared at Clark who was smirking in front of me with his spoon dripping with melted ice cream. I wiped it off with a napkin before it smeared anywhere else.

"You cow!" I exclaimed as I stood up, and chased after him. The door dinged as Clark shoved the door open, I followed right after, but once I was outside I bumped into his back. "What the-" then I noticed why he stopped. There was paparazzi feverishly taking pictures of the car that was a couple paces away from where we were standing. The car was a nice one, a silver Porsche Carrera GT. I'm so jealous right now.

The driver of the car got out, and the passengers followed suit. The driver was a girl she reeked of preppy-ness. She had shade on that covered half her face, and her hair was so perfect that I was scared to look at it. Afraid that just my stare would mess it up. Her friends we identical, but they looked fake and ugly, while she just looked painfully perfect. I immediately knew who she was and wanted to hide.

"Clark lets go." I whispered from behind him.

He turned and looked at me with understanding. "Okay." He took my hand, and was about to head the other direction - even though the car was the opposite - but it was too late we were already spotted.

Melanie stopped in her tracks, and took off her shades. Her head was tilted to the side as she looked at me closely, as if she were trying to figure out something. Then her eyes widened after a long moment. Oh no she recognizes me. I saw her mouth move, and it looked like she said, "Oh my God."

"Rhoma?!" That was it. That was all it took for the paparazzi, to turn around and crazily start taking pictures of me. Ugh! 'I'm not Rhoma! My name is Lux Crystel Bright!' I wanted to yell, but it's not like it would matter.

Clarks grip on my hand tightened as he pushed threw the paparazzi, and past Melanie who was trying to stop us, and too the car. He opened the car door for me and literally shoved me in, then locked the door. He made his way skillfully to the drivers side, and got in also, as he locked the doors. I heard the frantic people yelled and shouting questions. Questions that were going to be left unanswered.

It was quiet as we sped off into the main road towards home. I hope this didn't become an everyday thing.

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