this feels like being alone in a room full of couples

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i will catch up soon, don't worry.
even if you see me dragging behind,
i'll find the one soon.
don't worry about me for now.
i am glad that you've found a shred of happiness to hold on to.
i am happy that all of my friends have a special person in their lives.
and i will catch up soon.
i really will, so don't worry too much.
please don't worry as much as i am
right now.
i will congratulate you and
squeal with happiness for you,
and i will wait for my person to come out of the dark.
because we all know i don't go wandering alone.
i will wait to catch up,
and i will drag behind for as long as my person chooses to let me do so.
but don't worry about me too much.
please, don't.
focus on your love, and i'll focus on mine
don't worry about me, and i'll try to do the same.

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