i will ruin you

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i will place my hands between your shoulder blades and i will dig out the parasite that makes you love me.
i will take your tongue from my mouth and rip it from its roots.
i will hug your ribs until you don't want to hug me back, until you'd rather be hugging a tree because you can't breath around me.
i will scrape the skin from your hands as you try to run them down my barb wire body.
i will blind the daylights from your eyes when i pry them open long enough for you to witness me deteriorate into my natural state.
i will kill you for loving me.
i will make you regret loving me.
i will ruin you.
(i don't want to but it's a habit; i feel unnatural if i don't hurt the ones i love)
i will ruin you.


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