T H I R T Y - O N E | Adeline

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For the first time, I sat on the cold, metal stool in the Visitor's Centre without a shred of fear or doubt. There was a numbness about me now, a sort of fearless determination, as if I had nothing to lose. Tony, who had agreed to let me meet Frank for the sake of my brother's health, walked the notorious killer in. I lifted my chin, met his piercing eyes.

"We meet again," Frank smiled. "Where's the other one?"

"In hospital, with a bullet in his shoulder."

"Too bad," Frank said, unfazed. "I liked him."

"Seth Barlow did it. You know him?"

"Barlow," Frank pondered. "Rings a bell."

"He was running some bullshit auto-repair shop in the south. A front for the meth lab he had going."

"Oh, that. Yeah. I heard whispers. Thought they got shut down, though. A few of them are actually locked up here, including a Johnny Barlow, who was supposedly running it."

"His son took over from his old man. And according to one of Susie's friends, he was dating your daughter before she died. Know anything about that?"

Frank shifted, his eyebrows furrowing.

"No, actually. I didn't."

"Her friend said he was a piece of shit. Had a temper. Got in good with some bad people. Billy and I went down there to ask Seth about Susie. He went in, five minutes later he was on the ground with a hole in his shoulder and the boss's son was in the wind. I need to find him. Can you help?"

"Barlow," Frank said again, a slow smirk spreading across his face. "I know just what to do."

© A.G. Travers 2018

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