"What's your next period? I'm new here." he asked as she packed up her stuff. 

"English with Mr. Greene." 

He smiled with those bright white teeth. "Me too!" 

They walked down the hallway, to English. Casey was actually great company. He told her about his mom, and how he lived with sister Liliana a few streets down from CatCo. Elara in turn told him about her parents, and other siblings. He checked his schedule, and the two apparently had four classes together out of six. Pretty good. The bell rang at the end of the day, and she had made plans to hang out with twins Melody and Maddy, Casey, and Grant his brother who was a eighth grader, a year younger. That was sort of their friend group by the end of the day, the two brothers added to the trio. The group walked to CatCo, which wasn't too far away. Melody and Maddy were both redheads, with tons of freckles and bright green eyes. Casey and Grant looked way different though, as Grant had piercing green eyes. "Hey guys, so I don't have any money on me, so let's walk to CatCo so I can get some money." Elara said. "CatCo?" Casey asked. Elara nodded. "My parents work there." she said. Maddy chimed in. "Ya her moms friends with Supergirl. Elara introduced Melody and I too her last year.  It was amazing!" 

Casey's eyes widened. "That's so cool!" 

They reached the CatCo's entrance. "I'll be right back." Elara said, darting into the elevator and taking it to the top floor. She found her dads office. "Oh, hey mom." she said. Kara was sitting in the chair, talking in hushed voices to Mon El. Kara was startled. 

"Oh, hey baby girl. How was school?" she asked. 

"Fine. Can I have some cash? Ten dollars should do. I have plans with friends to go grab some ice cream. I'll be back in an hour and I'll do my homework then." 

Kara nodded to Mon El, who handed Elara the crisp bill. She ran off and they resumed their conversation. 

"Here you go, chocolate chip for Maddy, pistachio for Melody, lemon sorbet for Grant, vanilla for Casey, and chocolate brownie batter for me!" Elara said, handing everyone their cups. She took a spoonful of ice cream. 

"Oh this is so good." Casey said. 

"I know right! Best ice cream place in the city. And the best pizza shop is across the street and the best potsticker shop a street over." Elara practically screamed. Growing up in the Danvers Matthews household, she was practically raised on a friday night diet of pizza, potstickers, ice cream, and Chinese takeout.

"I don't know how you stay so thin. Oh, forgot, your alien." Melody added sarcastically. Casey and Grant's faces turned bright red. 

"Wait wait your an alien?" Grant stammered. Elara laughed, it seemed everyone else in the school knew. 

"Half, my dad's alien." she said. He nodded, his face still bright red. They all finished their scoops. "Do you have a ride home?" she asked her friends. 

Melody and Maddy nodded. "Mom's picking us up, she's here now." Melody said, pointing to a cherry red minivan outside. Elara could see their older brother Hart sitting in the front seat next to their mom. She turned to Casey and Grant.

"We'll walk." they said. She nodded and waved goodbye. She walked down the busy street. She could see he gleaming sign of LCorp in the distance. She took the elevator up to her dads office. 

"Hey dad." she said.

"Hey baby girl. Any homework you need to do? I need to pick up Avery from her friends house and Hudson from soccer. I'll only be gone thirty minutes." he said. 

"Fine dad. I have some stuff I need to do." she said, pulling her folders from her backpack and clicking the mechanical pencils top. He left and Elara started on her homework. She worked her way through her chem notes, finished her algebra sheet, did the history reading, and did her French worksheet. That was her only homework for the weekend and she finished just as Avery burst through the door and hugged her legs. "Hey Ava!" she said, kissing her sisters hair. "How was school?"

"It was good. My teacher said my math was really good for a second grader." Elara laughed, mussing her sisters pigtails. 

"Ok kiddos, I'm done here, so lets go pick up food for tonight!" Mon El announced. Everyone went downstairs and got into the van. They picked up chinese food, pizza, and ice cream. Elara glanced out the window of the passenger seat. 

"Dad, are we picking up Nova?" she asked. He shook his head. 

"Your mom's picking her up after coffee with Lena." 

"Oh ok. What time will she be back?"

"She'll be home by now."

Elara sighed, pulling a loose strand of hair. Her hair was short, shoulder length, and tied into a half up bun. They pulled onto their street. Kara's sleek car was parked on the driveway. Elara grabbed her backpack and dashed upstairs, to her and her sisters room. Nova was sitting on the bed, going through her backpack. "Hey ." she said, looking at her sister.

Elara replied back. "Hey yourself." Nova was already in her pajamas, shorts and her gym team hoodie. 

"I'm going to go take a shower." Elara said, and grabbed her towel from the hook. She also grabbed her pajamas from the dresser. Nova kept working on her homework.

Nova was so exhausted. She had just come back from an two hours of gymnastics, for the third time this week. She still had to finish her homework, otherwise, no family movie night for her. She finished her Spanish study guide and packed everything up before removing her hair from the towel she had tied it in to dry. It hung in damp strands till her shoulders, framing her pale face. Opening up her laptop, she watched youtube till Elara came out of the shower. Everyone met back downstairs, in their pajamas. Kara lifted the lid to the box. "PIZZA!" she yelled. Nova laughed. Her mom still acted like a little kid. Mon El opened Netflix. 

"So, what are we going to watch?" he asked. 

"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!" Elara yelled. Everyone agreed, so they sat down to watch the movie. 

"Stop hogging all the potstickers mom!" Nova said sarcastically. Kara looked up, her mouth full and a small pile of potstickers on her plate. 

"Oh Sorry." she said laughing. 

Wowie, longest chapter I've probably ever written. After this, hopefully they won't be so long lol. Make sure to vote and tell me if this was good?

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