Chapter 10

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The second the clock hit seven, I knocked on Harry's door.

"Harry." I smiled when he opened the door.

"Louis." he said back even brighter.

"You look radiant."

"You're too kind." Harry spoke as I kissed his cheek.

"Only for you."

"And you have flowers?" he asked. "Tons and tons and tons and tons of flowers."

"Four Dozen to be exact."

"Why?" Harry asked as I followed him inside so he could place them in a big bowl filled with water.

"I didn't want to just get you red roses. So I got you pink, white, yellow, and red roses. Something to be different I guess. What, do you not like it? I'm sorry for going overboard." I spoke as he took them from me and placed them into the bowl. "I'm sorry Harry."

"Hey." he said and grabbed my tie. "I love them." he whispered. He then leaned in and gave me a soft, meaningful, quick kiss. "Time to go." he then smiled and quickly walked out to my car.

I then followed suit and locked the door behind me.

I then got into the car and we were on our way to the fancy restaurant that I booked.

When we arrived and were seated, Harry finally spoke up.

"You really went all out I see." he said as he looked around the fancy steak place that Zayn suggested I take him to.

"I did." I nodded. "You only deserve the best Harry."

"You know-" he spoke as a wine server came over and started pouring red wine. "-You didn't have to go this big Louis." he finished after the wine server left.

"Of course I did." I said and then held up the wine glass. "Let's make a toast."

"Okay." he said and held up his wine glass.

"I just want to say that I'm glad you agreed to go out with me tonight and I can't wait to make this the best date you ever had." I smiled.

Harry smiled back.

We then clinked our glasses together and took a sip of our drinks.

"You know, anywhere and anytime, as long as I'm with you, I'm happy." Harry spoke as he read through his menu.

"I have a feeling you don't like where I've taken you?"

"Why would you think that?" he asked looking up.

"Is it too fancy?"

Harry looked around and said, "It's just not what I expected is all."

"What did you expect?"

"A simple restaurant and then going back to your place or mine to watch a movie and cuddle."

"I told you to dress fancy."

"I know."

"Then you should have said something to me Harry if you didn't want something spectacular."

Harry sighed.

"Don't get me wrong Louis... I love this. I love that you're taking me out to someplace that's expensive. But it's not you, it's not me, its not us."

With that, I got up and left to the bathroom.

When I got there, I went into the big stall, sat down, put my face into my hands, and started crying.

Harry is such a selfish jerk. I went through all this trouble for him and he can't be grateful and just sit through it and enjoy? What is wrong with him?

Then I heard the bathroom door open and Harry's voice.

"Louis?" he asked. "Are you in here?"

I didn't day anything, But I think Harry saw me sitting on the floor because he walked up to the big stall and said, "Louis, let me in. Please?"

After a few moments, I reached up and unlocked the door.

Harry came in, locked the door, and sat next to me.

"How could you say that to me Harry?" I asked. "I did this all for you."

"I know."

"That was such a jerk thing to do to me. You know that right?"

"I know that Louis. I just thought you should know the truth."

"At least wait until after the date. Not right at the fucking start."

"Louis-" Harry sighed.

"Have you not been seeing how hard I'm trying? I'm trying so hard for you. I want this to work. I don't want to fuck this up again Harry. I like you way too much for that. I wanted this to be perfect. You deserve everything that's perfect... and you just stomped all over my heart and this date and my feelings. I'm trying so hard Harry. What else is there for me to do to make everything up to you?"

"That's just it Louis."

"What is that Harry?"

"You're trying too hard."

I didn't say anything.

"You're trying too hard. That's not the person I fell for. The person I fell for, didn't care so much. He just lived in the moment and spectacular adventures, dates, kisses, and love making came from it. They all came from you living in the moment, not planning things out one by one. But don't think I don't appreciate you trying. I just wanted this to be like you. Like the person I fell for. Not some date that is going to waste all your savings. That's not who you are Louis. You don't need to win me over. You won the first time your eyes met mine in the hallway of school. They were lined with black eye liner and dark with anger. That's what pulled me in Lou-" he spoke, but I cut him off with a kiss.

I didn't ask this time, I just went in... like I used to.

Harry seemed to agree with this method more as he pulled me in closer. His lips danced with mine harder then ever and I felt my whole body melt into his.

"Let's get out of here." I whispered into his mouth.

"Please." he whispered back.

With that, we were leaving the restaurant (after we paid) and heading back to my dorm.


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