Chapter 4

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"Mr. Tomlinson, back again I see." said the doctor from the last visit I had. "I see you had a seizure."

"Yeah." I nodded and tried to turn away from the bright lights of the hospital room.

"Well, you need to make sure to stay out of stress's way. You were lucky this time. You might not be so lucky the next time."

"I understand."

"Good. Now, I'll see you in a little to check up on you." doctor Young said and then walked out of the room.

I sat there in awe at myself and my situation.

This whole thing is shit... but I mean, I did do this to myself.

I went too hard... too strong. I know I shouldn't have done what I did in the past, but I was so angry. I was angry at life. I was angry at me. Now, now Harry's angry. He's angry at me. He's angry at life. I can't let Harry live the life I put onto him anymore. I know I'm angry at him and I'm mad at what happened, but I need to save him, I can't let him end up like me... like my dad. So, after I was good to go with the hospital, I left for Harry's dorm.

When I knocked, Niall answered.

"Hello?" Niall asked me.

"Hey, you're Niall right?"

"Right." he nodded. "Can I help you with something?"

"Um, I'm Louis, Harry's friend."

"Oh yeah." he nodded. "He talked about you a lot."

I tried not to smile at what he said.

"So um-" I continued. "Have you seen Harry?"

"No." Niall said shaking his head.

I sighed.

"Well, do you know where he's at?"

"Yeah, he's staying at Zayn's apartment. Do you know Zayn?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm his ex-roommate."

"Oh, Harry told me you kicked him out."

"Yeah." I nodded. "I couldn't be around him anymore... too much drama."

Niall nodded.

"Well, do you need the address, or do you know where he lives now?"

"I need the address."

Niall nodded and went inside to write it down. A few minutes later he handed me the paper and we then said our goodbyes and I was on my way.

When I finally arrived to Zayn's apartment, it took me a few minutes to build up courage to walk up there, let alone knock on the damn door. But, I did.

Zayn answered.

"Hi?" he said surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see Harry."

"Harry? Really?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "Is he here?"


I nodded and turned to leave, but Zayn then said, "Come inside and wait for him."

I bit my lip, but nodded and came inside.

Zayn and I then sat on the sofa together.

"I'm glad you're okay." Zayn said after five minutes of watching a low volume t.v.

"Thanks." I half smiled.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling okay. I got out of the hospital about four hours ago."

"Four hours?" He asked surprised. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "But, this is more important to me."

"It's your grave." He said under his breath.

I chose to ignore the comment due to my health at the moment. I don't want to have another accident.

About an hour later of Zayn and I ignoring each other, I finally heard the keyhole jiggle.

My heart stopped a little.

I haven't seen Harry since the night I had my stroke and I've learned how bad he's gotten lately. So, I'm a little nervous to see him and to talk to him. Hopefully everything goes well... but that idea went down the drain when Harry stumbled in drunk with his lips all over another girl.


I haven't posted in so long. I'm so sorry :( ~Ash

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