Mari was surprised that Stelios and Gia had not made their way down, they were always punctual. The waitress had a look around and right at the back, not far from the pool was a vacant table for four that had been reserved especially for the Kalentzi's. Dim pulled the wicker chair back and allowed Mari to take a seat, he was quite the gentleman when he wanted to be. The table was conveniently beside a heater which loomed above them and shared great heat.

"Are we early?" Mari put the question to her spouse.

Dim looked at his watch and said, "We're on time. Stelly and Gia are late."

That was surprising. Mari and Dim conversed among themselves for a few minutes until the waitress came over with two laminated menus. They both studied what was on offer - roast duck, pork chops with veg, fish of the day with chips, there was just so much to choose from.

The couple didn't wait too long for Stelios and Gia to join them. Once the friendly greetings had been finalized the brothers talked about the casino as ever. Stelios had won big at the roulette wheel and had told everyone dinner was on him. No doubt Dim was going to take advantage of his brother's kindness and order the biggest steak available for himself.

"Wish I could have gone," Dim remarked, but the mean glare Mari gave him made him retract his statement. Almost instantly Dim professed, "I probably would have gone bust, I reckon, I usually do," he light-heartedly quipped.

"Did you hear the news?" Stelios said keenly looking at Dim and Mari.

"It's terrible," Gia was quick to chime in.

"No," Mari quickly replied.

"What's the news?" Dim asked his brother with intrigue.

"There was another attack in Leece," Stelios informed them. "Can you believe it? At the airport, it was, of all places. This world has gone mad. Jennifer be damned. Something has to be done about the Ishtarian Empire," Stelios pointed out, clenching his fist with a look of contempt. His eyes spoke of a bloodthirsty hunter who would not stop until evil had been vanquished, but that was a goal even the most powerful could not do. The contentious Hans Myrich had come close. He at least created the "Bill of Peace," that was his first act as Minister of Defence many moons ago.

"Do they know it was Ramzeez?" Mari asked with a look of concern. She figured it could have been a lone wolf or someone not associated with the Ishtarian rule at all. Dim had been to the Ishtarian Empire. He loved it, or so he professed, largely because he was a man. Dim had told Mari about his time in Verkudul and N'Karath the capital of the Ishtarian Empire. Dim told Mari that dogs were treated with more respect than women. Little Ezra would have a hard time of it growing up there.

"Well, who else would commit such an atrocity?" Dim aggressively pointed out, siding with his younger brother. "Change, the Sultan says, aye I say, change for the worst. He gets to do whatever he likes, and no one bats an eyelash. We need someone strong ruling Breton. Someone like Myrich. Barrasso is soft, I say. Too soft."

"True," Mari agreed, she was not so filled with hate as she once was. Yes, she wanted revenge on the one who killed her clan at Glendale Castle some fifteen years earlier, but she had found peace over the years and she would fight tooth and nail to maintain that peace. "There are many extremists who live in the Ishtarian Empire," Mari rightly said. "It might have been a lone wolf for all we know."

"Where was the attack, you say? The airport?" Dim wanted to know the details. Her partner rolled up his sleeves as she took of her leather jacket. It was a bit too warm with thanks to the heater positioned above them.

"The airport," Stelios repeated. "This treaty is bullshit!" Stelios exclaimed. "Breton's army should just go in and invade the Ishtarian Empire. Obliterate Sultan Ramzeez and his radical extremists once and for all."

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