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                   🥀 Mary 🥀
Two boring weeks passed which were all a blur of school, home, library and books. She actually didn't start a new series yet mainly because she has a book hangover, you literally can't start a new book because you're still living in the last one's world.
-"You'll be doing a project in pairs about a fiction story from your own imagination, no copying from the net no someone helped me, I want the work to be yours, you have until next class to tell me your partners." Yelled the teacher of Writing class while everybody was leaving.

Mary walked to Dianna who was talking to two girls next to their closet.
-"Hey guys." she said smiling at the girls.

-"Hey" they smiled quickly at her and turned to Dianna.

-"They said he's not dating any girl even though Meghan flirts with him the whole time he just ignores her, she's so angry he didn't even give her any attention." said one of the girls.

-"Shhhh, there he is, he'll hear us," they all turned to see Edward Moreson walking with one of the football players, one of the jerks to be specific.

-"Hey Edward, I'm having a party at my house tonight if you'd like to come ?"

Meghan appeared from nowhere flashing one of her fake seductive smiles at the boy who was frowning at her, everybody was watching, Mary couldn't really see his face since she's not wearing her glasses.

-"No thanks, and please stop calling me Ed I'm not even your friend." he said brushing her aside as if she were a piece of furniture.

She grabbed his arm, he flinched taking it away brutally, she couldn't really see him but the look on his face was definitely disgusted and Mary had to stifle a laugh.

-"Let me make this clear Meghan." he said spatting her name.

-"First of all, don't ever touch me again"-he said with a cold face-"second, I don't want to be nor your friend nor your boyfriend nor your prized dog to walk with, third stay away from me and don't come near me ever again only if you want a scene."

Meghan acted hurt but it was all facade of how angry and embarrassed she was, then she opened her mouth.

-"How dare you talk to me like this-" she didn't even finish her sentence when he stormed out of the crowd gathering to watch the drama.

-"Hey man wait chill out.." the dude who was with him trailed after the angry guy.
Mary was about to laugh when she managed to muffle it with her hand; it came out as a choke. That was f*ucking savage, Dianna did the same.

-"Oh shut up, you freaks, no one even look at you," Meghan yelled face red, she flipped her hair again and left.

-"That was so dramatic, she thinks she's in a high school movie," said a girl standing near them.

-"I think we stayed a little longer, Mrs.Linda doesn't like late students, see you later," said Dianna leaving.

-"okay, listen I'm going to the library after school if you to come," Said Mary walking with Dianna to her class which was on her way.

-"I have a huge homework to do I'll pass, see you tomorrow then, bye"
-"Good bye"

Tell me, what you think of the Regina Goerge of the story ?

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