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🥀 Mary 🥀
She entered the class and went to the last chair beside the windows and sat.
She actually recognized most of the students here, so she just stared outside the window and got lost in her thoughts, book thoughts to be specific, that was one of the most common problem of reading too much.

You spend the day daydreaming of being the main character of a book and imagining different ends and decisions, it was like dreaming with open eyes and living other lives.

She didn't notice that the teacher was addressing her until the girl in front of her snapped her attention by snapping her fingers, Judy the shy girl who had difficulties making friends too. Mary smiled at her quickly and turned.

-"Uh, yes ?" Said Mary blushing so hard when she saw the many heads looking at her her.

-" Are you with us Miss Walter ?" Said the teacher.

-"Yes, of course sir." She replied automatically.

-"Good, I was saying that the syllabus of this year..."

Mary sighed and clapped her hands tightly under the table, the teacher was talking about class work and things they repeat every year, everybody knows what's the meaning of a project.

Then the teacher looked at one of the students and said.
-"Anyhow, so Mr.Moreson can you please tell us a little bit about yourself ?"

She didn't recognize that last name so she turned her head to see who is it, but he was giving her his back and she could only see a side of his face, it looked familiar with the coal black hair and the sharp jawline as he clenched it when the teacher asked.

Well what a surprise, the stranger from the library now sat a few seats away from Mary.

-"Um, yeah sure, My name is Edward Moreson, I moved from my old city this last week, I'm a senior student and I-um. can play football." he said looking at the board, his voice was so deep like midnight whispers.

-"Well, pleasure to meet you Edward, I hope you find this place better than your old one, maybe even join our football team and win us some games." the teacher smiled and some students chuckled quietly and started talking about lessons.

It was finally break time, it felt like hours had passed. Mary went to grab her textbooks and go to her next class.

While walking through the halls she caught what was already the subject of the day, until she saw Meghan the Regina George of the school accompanied by her three puppies.

-"Oh.My.God, did you girls see that new guy the school talking about ? The one who came today ? He's sooo hot," said Meghan flipping her hair and rolling her eyes.

Bitch attitudes, Mary thought.

-"YAAAS, Oh.My.God, all of the girls are drooling to talk to him" said one of her dogs, Sarah.

-"Oh honey, no one is getting him but me, no girl can compete me duh." Queen Bee said walking and swishing her hips while the bees flipped behind her.

These girls think they own everything, boys are not bloody things to claim them as you want to because of your shitty pretty face.

Where the hell is Dianna ? I'm almost there and she's not even in the halls. Mary walked to her next class.

Vote and we'll watch a football game together.

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