Night 21 and Day 22 - part one

Start from the beginning

Their dumb grins were reflected on it.

You stared at them, mind blank for some reason.

«You guys got a mirror... for me?»

One of them shrugged.

«Yeah, we figured you could use it. We got rid of the few we had when we were in Totto Land, and never replaced them, so...»

«I... I don't know what to say.»

You had never received a gift in your life.

Well, excluding Aokiji's books, but those weren't exactly a gift. And Heat's dresses, but he was ordered to purchase them.

A genuine smile spread on your face without you even realizing.

Your sparkling eyes flashed on them.

«Thank you! This is... thank you!»

For some reason, they all fell silent, staring at you with a darkening blush on their manly faces.

You quickly turned to your new present and caught a glimpse of your image in the mirror.

A shockwave traversed your body as your eyes locked with it.

Who the hell is this girl?

Forcing yourself to swallow, you moved your focus on the door that leaded below deck, from where Kid was finally emerging, wearing now his usual attire.

«Hey, Kid! Can I bring this in your cabin?»

He frowned, glancing at the mirror behind you.



You lifted it, paying attention not to drag it, and headed below deck.

Once in the cabin, you lit up a candle and took a deep breath.

You stood in front of the mirror, staring at your reflection.

It was since the day you were taken captive that you hadn't seen yourself.

More than three weeks ago.

Your fingers approached the cold surface, brushing against it.

Is this me?

The woman staring back at you had something completely different.

Suddenly, it felt like a feverish need had gotten into you.

You quickly unbuttoned your shirt and shorts, letting them fall on the floor, remaining in your underwear.

Your breath rate increased.

Your body was thinner than you recalled, probably due to the irregular eating, especially at the beginning of your imprisonment.

You were covered in marks.

New white scars ran down your side and shoulder. The long wound left by the whip was still red, splitting your back in half.

Little cuts and minor wounds adorned the skin of your legs, arms and upper body.

Wherever you looked you could spot bites and other signs left by Eustass' mouth and fingers. They were of all different shades, from bright red to soft pink, from purple to fading green.

The print of his grip was clearly visible around your hips and thighs.

Finally, the bruises on your neck were still there, although red was fading to purple now.

Captive [Eustass Kid x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now