Give It To "The Real Mother"

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"see the thing is.. i'm a surrogate for my mother - in - law. you can't put HER baby in the system." i said as the cops took the baby away from me (i had to give birth to her in the jail cell) "can the mother come get her baby?" the nice officer says "no! she could be lieing to give it to the step mother to take care of it!" everyone looked at him like he was crazy (he is) "she is giving the baby to her step-mother rather you like it or not officer." they gave the  baby to cookie 

"see. i'm a surrogate for her" 

cookie looked at me weird, i winked an she nodded

"yeah. i wanted a daughter but all i could make is sons."

"okay. thanks. bye."

cookie hugged us and left, me and Andre refused to be separated, we held hands and it took 4 officers to tear us apart, i cried. 

i walked to my cell in the hunter green jumpsuit they made me wear, i had a cell mate and he had short brown hair, and a scary apperence 

"wazzup freshbait"

"don't call me that."

he moved closer to me and played with my now short hair i popped his hand as if he was a kid 

he grabbed my by the face and spit on me. spit on me. i kicked him where the sun don't shine and then kneed him in the head nd spit on him

"i fresh to jail but not to the streets." 

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