He's not happy

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When we got to the school andre grabbed up Andrea and said or more liked yelled furiously "what did you do?!" Tears streamed from out of her hazel eyes down her lightly colored cheeks I pushed him away "andre." I said a little offended "what?!" He yelled "look what you are doing. Your drawing attention and your screaming and scaring out daughter." He sets her down "your right. Your right. Im sorry." He says we walk into the office she sits down "well. Your daughter is quite open about things." I look at the principal "what do you mean exactly?" I say "she put a ball in her shirt and said she was pregnant. Then when the teacher asked her to take it out she cussed at the teacher." She says "what did she say?" Andre asks she slid us a piece of paper. It read "shut the f** up b***" i look at Andre "are you sure OUR daughter said that" I ask "I'm pretty sure. We have her on tape." They show us the tape i walk up to andrea "Andrea?" I say she ignored me "Andrea answer your mom." Andre says she ignores him "Andrea!" He yelled it startled the principal "what?!" Andrea says "don't say what." I say she kicks her feet playing with her hands andre walks up and smacked her hands on her sides "Andrea answer your mom." He says "yes?" She says "where did you hear those words?" I ask she didn't answer she was trying to get andre off her hands she was struggling, her face was red and she had vain's in her neck popping out  "andre! Your hurting her." I say he doesn't let go "Andre!" He won't let her go "daddy!" She said starting to cry he shook his head as if he was in a trance and let her go "can you tell mommy where did you hear the words?" She started to say something "B.B.." Andre cut her off "what?" He says "Baby sitter." She says "why where you pretending to have a baby?" Andre asks "Baby sitter. I copied Baby sitter." She says I could tell she was scared of andre but not of me. "Well you still don't copy what you hear adults say understand?" Andre asks "yes." She says (in the car) "you didn't have to down that." I say "she needs to know discipline not sunshine and rainbows. And she needs parents. Not best friends." Andre says "she's 5!" I say "she's also my child. She needs to know the real world. I had to do things at 5." Andre says "well she wasn't raised by that monster luscious. And that's exactly who you are turning into." I say we get out the car and Andre makes Andrea sit in the corner he pulls a chair from her little table and puts it in a corner "sit down in this chair, look at the wall and think about what you have done. You have 5 minutes. And everytime you turn around the time starts over." He says she sits in the corner and cries he lets her cry   then after a while he yells "shut up" she does one of the skipping breathing that you do after a woopen when your parent tells you to shut up "no!" She says he grabs a belt grabs I try to stop him but her was stronger than me he wooped her and threw her down in the chair "andre quit being so aggressive." I try to go pick her up but andre says "no. Sit down." I slap him "I don't know if you remember but you grew up without a mother and a monster.  I don't want her to be the same way. Look at her." she was sitting in the corner sad eyes head lowered and sholders falling like tear drops "is this what you wanna teach your  daughter fear? Well. I don't I love her. I carried her for 9 months and I can raise her the way I want. She's not in the military so if she messes up talk to her. And she's 5 Andre let her be a kid. I would understand if she was a teen. But she's OUR five year old." Andre walks up to her he picks her up and she tries to get out his arms squirming, crying, kicking, screaming, and banging on his chest he  layied her head on his shoulder "I'm sorry. Im sorry. Daddy's sorry.'' She stoped fighting and fell asleep. He carried her upstairs. When he came back downstairs."hey. Im sorry." He says I didn't answer my phone rang it was my dad I ignored it I got a text From him
Him: good girl. Getting  the lyons on your side so you can bring them down.

I ignored it "what was that?" Andre asks "my dad." I say 

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