"Go ahead." I gave him a smile. I wasn't going to deny him the pleasure of easing his nerves. And I had to admit that, even though I didn't really like smoking-or people who did as a matter of fact-, there was something incredibly attractive about the way his prolonged fingers held the noxious thing as he inhaled the smoke, ashes starting to slowly fall down his side, fume filling the inside of his lungs only to make its way out on a misguided waft as he exhalated.

We kept walking in silence as his nerves died down as well as the cigarette on his hand. We reached the hotel and walked past the reception into the elevator. I decided to press the fourth floor, so I could stop by and see what Jacob was up to, maybe we could have a marathon of German TV, even when we didn't understand much. We had fun thinking about what the characters were saying, creating their dialogues. Mature people, I might say.

Ethan was standing behind me, we weren't touching, but I could feel the magnetism pulling into us.

"Going somewhere?" His voice was closer than I thought it would be, it sent chills down every single one of my vertebrae, switching the atmosphere in a blink of an eye.

"I think I'll visit Jacob." It turned out more like a quiet mumble than actual words. His presence was so powerful and demanding I couldn't find myself replying differently.

The elevator indicated we had reached the fourth floor as it slowly came to a stop. The doors opened, and I couldn't find myself moving. My muscles weren't reacting, and my brain was too preoccupied with the chemical reactions this man produced on me.

I felt Ethan taking one step closer to me, so our bodies were touching, just the mere act had my body completely alert, drowning in need. All previous thoughts of visiting my friend went flying out the window. All previous thoughts of doing something that wasn't paying full attention to the beast behind me soon disappeared.

The elevator's doors closed once again as I felt his breath on my neck. "You missed the floor." His deep, husky murmur reached my ears in a marvelous symphony as his nose started trailing down from my earlobe to the base of my neck.

"Hmmp." It was all I managed to say. I was completely conscious of the fact that I had missed my chance of getting out of here, but I wasn't sure what that implied exactly. His mouth connected to my nape, trailing soft and wet kisses up until it met my ear, once again. I found myself melting into the act as I tilted my head to the side to give him better access.

«What is it with elevators?»

The small space made its existence noticeable once again as it made a sound to indicate we had reached the fifteenth floor, taking Ethan's lips away from my body.

The doors opened once again, and I walked out uneasy, feeling how my stomach was tied up in knots as the obvious arousal had taken place in my core. I honestly didn't know what was holding me back from following him up to his door instead of just walking towards mine. A sudden wave of insecurity rushed through my body, realizing I knew what going with him meant. It seemed like a ridiculous contradiction not to follow him, since all I've been able to think about at night was how his body would feel against mine.

I took out the card from my pockets as I spoke shakily. "Good night, sir." I couldn't look him in the eye. I didn't want to find out what they held.

"Amalia," His voice sounded incredibly deep, my eyes snapped unconsciously, like they had their own management, only to find his deep blue orbs turned into a gray storm. They were dark, you could see the hurricane. He looked at me in hunger, the word 'predator' was hanging from his neck. "Don't test my patience, it has already run out." My whole body stiffened, reacting to his presence. "Come here." He demanded, and I couldn't dare to disobey his command.

Unassailable: The professor.Where stories live. Discover now