Chapter 10 - Liz

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Chapter 10 - Liz

So Garrett actually decided to turn the way I told him to. That has to be good somehow.

Well, it would be good, but only if I had any idea where we're going.

I glance over at Garrett. He's got a hint of a smirk on his face, probably some sort of self-satisfaction for flipping his middle finger at that guy. I guess I shouldn't question it. Besides, it's better to see Garrett with a smirk, rather than the usual flat look on his face.

Watching Garrett, I start wondering how long it'll take him to come to his senses and ask where in the world we're going. Then I start to wonder if he's ever even been around here before. He just moved here; I wouldn't expect him to know any streets, except for the ones in between his house and our school.

Garrett doesn't look like he's having much of a problem deciding where to go. I'm not paying attention to where we're going, but judging by the look on his face, he has it under control. At least, I hope so.

Without even realizing it, I start taking note of Garrett's looks.

As much as I hate to admit it, he's better looking than I'd want him to be. Someone with a personality like his should at least be less than decent-looking. I'm a strong believer in good personalities making someone beautiful, and vise versa. Garrett has a pretty bad persona, so I'd imagine him with a bad appearance. But that's not the case.

Out of nowhere, Garrett decides to clear his throat and break the silence. He sends me a weird look, his eyebrows quirked over his questioning blue eyes.

"Any particular reason you're staring?"

I clear my own throat, quickly crossing my arms and turning to look out the window. "Huh?" I say, feigning innocence. "Who's staring? I've been watching the scenery."

This gets a good laugh out of Garrett. "Oh yeah, that's one hell of a view," he says sarcastically. I wince.

Vandalized warehouses, dying trees, and homeless men. Yeah, this must be the scenic route.

"Admit it," Garrett taunts. "You were staring."

I roll my eyes at him, making sure he notices. "Oh please, get your ego out of the car, Garrett. It's suffocating me."

"It's not my ego that's suffocating you," he replies coyly, wagging his eyebrows at me. "It must be the heat emanating from my devilishly good looks."

I start coughing and spluttering. I usually start coughing when I hear something outrageous.

"Oh wow, it's worse than I thought," Garrett teases. I put both of my hands over my mouth and will myself to calm down. I pat my chest for the last few coughs, thankful it's over.

I try to avoid Garrett's gaze, so I look out the window. I notice he pulled over the car. I frown, turning around to face Garrett.


But I catch myself when I see Garrett's face. He's grinning at me crookedly, this sort of real smile that I've never seen on him before, even though I've only known him for just a number of days. His bright eyes are fixed on me, and I know that smile's for me. My stomach flutters.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" I blurt, wanting to get the weird feeling out of my stomach. "You never smile at anyone like that."

Garrett's smile drops all of a sudden, and he blinks at me. I blink back.

"What? I wasn't smiling," Garrett mumbles, looking away. "I don't smile at people, especially not you."

I don't say anything, and I just stare at the back of Garrett's head, trying to compose myself. I hug my stomach. The weird feeling just means I'm hungry. No big deal.

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