(ep 2) // edited

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sitting by the front gates of the school under a large tree you stare at your phone waiting for a reply, but nothing you think about just leaving and jump into the lake like you planned to earlier. "hey y/n i would like to get my purchase earlier because i have a tutor at lunch" you look up to see jooheon. you must admit he was really handsome but hes such a fuck boi it makes him the ugliest person youll ever meet. "sure but ill need double the pay" you say getting up and dusting yourself off. he just nods and puts his arm around your shoulder leading you into the deserted classroom like always. "lets roleplay again today and ill pay you triple" he slumped onto the brown old couch and threw one arm across the back of it with a smug look on his face. you just nodded and got started.

you knew exactly what he wanted. you parted your legs as you sank into his lap facing him, straddling one of his thighs. your skirt bunched at your sides and the only thing between your hot core and his skin was his pants and your underwear, already becoming moistened by arousal because his type of roleplay always aroused you unlike everyone elses. what can i say i have daddy issues.

still, you sat up straight, hands together, eyes glistening, waiting for his next move.

"do you know what you did wrong?" jooheon asked, in a soft yet still commanding voice. he reached up and cupped the side of your face, his thumb caressing your jaw, lulling you into false comfort.

you nodded slowly.

"and what was it?"

you swallowed hard before answering trying to remember what it was about like time you rolplayed.

"i ignored your messages today, and didn't call you back."

he let out a low sound, as if just the memory of it bothered him.

"do you know why that upsets me?" he asked, shifting in place, and you almost gasped at how his thigh muscles flexed between your legs.

you shook your head. you could venture a few guesses, but your brain couldn't formulate a proper explanation right now.

"because i worry about you when im gone." he started, leaning up to press a kiss against your jaw, then another and another until he worked his way to your ear.

"i need to know my baby girl is safe, right?" he asked, low and raspy against the shell of your ear, and you bit back a noise, nodding again.

"what's that? i can't hear you" he said, not getting the verbal confirmation he desired.  "is that right?"

"yes, daddy."

he purred at the sound of your voice, pushing his thigh up against your center.

just the gentle pressure against you was enough to make your hips rock forward of their own accord. however, you quickly halted your motions and looked at jooheon's face as he sat back. you didn't want to lose money by making him angry.

he simply smirked at you, and meeting no resistance you decided to keep going, letting your full weight fall against him, grinding yourself down against his thigh and feeling yourself soak through your panties.

you chewed your lower lip to suppress the sounds, eyes fluttering shut as you rocked into him. every stroke heightened the sensation, and it was no surprise to you both that you were working your way to an orgasm just from riding his thigh fully-clothed.

you were teetering toward a dangerous ledge when you felt his hand swiftly move between your legs. he forced his fingers between your center and his leg and cupped you completely, pulling you up and off him. you cried out at the lost sensation, and the heat that radiated against you from the way he held your most delicate place in the palm of his hand.

dare or die // bts fanficWhere stories live. Discover now