Lab Rats: The Musical

Start from the beginning

"And then I see the faces of a worn defeated people. A father and a mother who won't let a coward run. Is this how the gods reward the faithful through the ages? Forcing us to prove that all the hardest things we've done are easy, so easy."

Under the picture is her yearbook. She can't stop herself from flipping to his picture. He is on the right center with the biggest smile she has ever witnessed for a school picture. His skin crinkles around his eyes and his white teeth are in full display. With new memories and crazed dreams, she is certain she can return to the life she previously led. 

"And though I'll think about him until the earth draws in around me and though I choose to leave him for another kind of love. This is no denial, no betrayal, but redemption. Redeemed in my own eyes and in the pantheon above."

She grabs scissors and begins to cut it out.

"It's easy,"

One side down.

"it's easy as life,"

Then another.

"It's easy as life,"

Then another. Only one more and he's out of her life.

"It's easy as life."

She holds the scissor above where she wishes to cut but can't bring herself to do so.

She chides herself for being so weak. She can't just return to the lifeless, beaten down girl she once was. Too much has changed and her views have changed. She takes in his face one more time before closing the book. Now she knows one aspect of who she could be.

She's someone who can't just cut people out of her life like the other cheerleaders. She'll set this right. She'll speak to him tomorrow.

As Vi.

Scene 2

The next morning, Vi arrived earlier than usually. She was unable to fall asleep again after her epiphany at who she will become. The thought of her parents' rejection wanted her to turn her back on her decision. Then she thought of Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo. She has never felt more herself than with them. They loved her true self and changing who she is to appease others won't make her happy. No matter how hard she tried to push it down, they helped bring it to the surface.

It isn't long before students begin to file in groggy and unaware at the hurricane of thoughts swirling through Vi's head. How will she approach Chase? What will happen today after the kiss? And that she has to tell Bree her master plan worked.

As if she had sensed the mention of her name, Bree pops up beside Vi, two of her three brothers following in her wake.

"Hey! So how was last night?" she asks.

Vi replies, "You're evil plan worked."

"Plan what plan?" Leo denies, as if she can't see through his terrible lying skills.

"Yeah," Adam begins, "which one the fake sickness plan or the serenade plan? I'm confused."

"Adam!" Bree smacks his arm.

Realization dawns on Vi as she had recognized the voice but could place it, "So that was you singing!"

"Look, we're sorry," Leo apologizes.

"Why would you do it anyway?"

Leo starts, "Well, you and Chase were fighting and we wanted to stop that."

"You guys are too cute together," Adam adds.

"Bree, I thought you'd hate having a friend date your brother," Vi says.

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