"Why not?" She asked, sounding disappointed.

"I'm going out for a bite." I turned around and kicked the wardrobe door shut before strutting to my bed.

"I bet he or she is hot. Or they," she added. Sharing a bed with more than one person was always an option with me.

"Not that kind of a bite," I said, putting the phone on speaker and placing it on the mattress so I could get undressed.

"Oh? How come?"

"It's too soon for him." I pulled off my current tank top and then my pants and boxers.

"Really?" Now she seemed genuinely curious. "And when has that ever stopped you? Just give the guy a little push as you usually do."

"Nah," I wrapped a towel around my waist. "It will spook him and I want to play with this one longer."

"Ooh, now that sounds interesting! Do I know him?"

I smiled.

"You haven't met him, but I've told you about him. That Sentinel I seduced when he was trying to question me about the serial murders in Woodville."

"If I recall correctly - and I must be, if you are playing with him again - you enjoyed him."

This time I full on grinned.

"His guilt about what we'd done was a huge turn on for me."


I stopped as my hand was reaching for the phone and a frown appeared on my face.

Why did I say it in the past tense?

"Is," I corrected myself and picked up the device. "I'm taking a shower. Talk to you later."

With that, I ended the call and - still frowning - headed for my bathroom.

Why had I used past tense?

Adrian's dilemma about wanting to sleep with me while knowing it was the wrong thing to do was part of the charm and why I was bothering to take things slow with him. I wanted him in my bed again, I wanted to experience the intoxicating feeling of having someone as straight-laced as him throw all caution to the wind so he could be with me.

But the guilt?

Now that had somehow lost its charm on me.

I still enjoyed teasing him, but for some reason, I didn't want to get him into too much trouble with his conscience... Was I going soft?

I opened the bathroom door and scoffed.

There was no way that was happening. I barely knew the guy and I'd only slept with him once.

"Not that sleeping with someone has ever made me go soft before," I muttered to myself as I turned on the shower and let the warm water wash away my doubts. By the time I got out, I was refreshed in both body and mind, and no ridiculous thoughts about me losing my edge were going through my head.

Instead, as I dried my hair and put on my clothes, I concentrated on a puzzle I had yet to figure out: why Adrian was letting me near him.

All rational thought said he'd want the opposite: to never see me - the temptation, again. Out of sight, out of mind, and all that.

So why had he invited me to dinner?

I was sure it wasn't because I'd promised I'd give him a break from my texting. After all, this was the second time he'd be cooking for me, and last time I'd had nothing to... Convince him with.

The mystery was something I wanted to solve, but also to keep going a bit longer as it made our dinner more intriguing, so I wouldn't press him for answers when I saw him. Not too much anyway; some teasing was inevitable.

Now dressed, I got out of my bedroom and went to the living room sofa.

Luca has gracing the very center of it, claiming ownership of the whole piece of furniture, something I would've disputed, if I wasn't on my way out.

"So are you coming or not?" I asked him.

Earlier today, Adrian had texted me, wanting to know the same, but I'd simply messaged back a 'Who knows?', partly to tease him, partly because I wasn't sure what was the right answer.

Luca lazily opened one eye, then closed it again, making no move to get up.

"Suit yourself," I said, heading for the door.

Without my pet at my side, I'd have to figure out a way to distract Adrian's pooch. After all, I was going over to play with the sexy owner, not his silly dog.

 After all, I was going over to play with the sexy owner, not his silly dog

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And now you know how each Ian and Alec are preparing for their not-a-date... Which is totally a date, or is it? What do you think?

Also, why do you think Alec has stopped getting excited about Adrian's guilt?

Do you think the hybrid is indeed going soft, and if so, is it in general or for the Sentinel?

Any ideas how he'd distract Bear so the guys can get some alone time?

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed the chapter, you can let me know by voting and/or leaving a comment!

PS: Did you read the interview with Kennedy that I uploaded on Friday? I'll link it as an External link and in the first comment of this chapter.

Sweeter than Sweets {M/M} (Dogs, Bats & Monkey Series, Book III)Where stories live. Discover now