One Month In.

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It's been a whole month. No kitty I think this time Sky and Skylar was getting their point across. This was pure agony. Couldn't get any kitty from home or else where. We were laying down watching some movie called 9 1/2 weeks. I think Sky picked it out on purpose knowing it would make me hard. She laid on my lap her head so close to my beast that if she would have turned around they would have been mouth to mouth. I struggled with trying to keep my hands to myself. She enjoyed every bit of the pettiness she was throwing my way. Bad thing she continued to use Patro against me.
She was curled up still watching the movie hugging Patro tightly. Squeezing her thighs together as if she was trying to hold something in. I was going crazy either I was exercising until I was sore or I was masturbating to keep from getting blue balls. In my madness I have gotten into an argument everyday with Patro. He sits there with his bear grin getting all my attention. I told you I'm losing my mind. Even though it is a hard lesson it was one I needed to learn. I still have girls tossing it my way but I see now what Sky means about sacrificing what you desire for someone you love. I wanted to be a better man for two reasons. One being that's what Sky deserves and two one day I'm going to be a father and I don't want no man treating my daughter in this manner.
Sky was looking at me with those sexy brown eyes.
"I see growth in you baby and I'm so proud of you."
"Does that mean I can have my kitty back now?" I asked knowing the answer.
"Nope it just means I see you growing." She said tossing a pillow at me.
"Stingy lady." I pouted as I tickled her. I missed laughing like this with her. We played around all night I had forgotten about being horny. I even let Patro stay on the bed.

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