Sky and Skylar

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My sister and I decided to take a spa day. It has been so much tension in our household.
"What happened between you and Larry?" I asked my twin.
"What always happens he fucks up we have sex I forgive him."
"I forgave Laurent but it will be a long ass time before he touches me again"
"I wish I had your strength sis."
" I don't have that much strength I forgave his ass again. But I feel he deserves to be punished in some way."
"We should make a pact."
"I'm listening."
"We do a three month hold out."
"Okay what's included in this hold out?"
"No penetration, no hand jobs, no oral for them."
"Interesting but wouldn't that make them cheat?"
"We make them sign a contract if they cheat then it's over this is how we find out how deep their love is."
"I'm game let's do it."
"Let's have some fun make them suffer like they make us suffer.
My sister can be so vindictive and petty sometimes.
We went into the nail salon and got manicures and pedicures. Then to the hair salon before we went home we went to the lingerie store and picked out some items this is gonna be fun I thought.
When we got home Lau and Larry were out with their boys. So Skylar and I decided to eat before putting our plan in action.
I went to my room and ran myself a bath. I sat in the tub and soaked my body I thought of all the good times we use to have. Lau is a good man he just make horrible decisions. I loved him so much despite this is the fifth time we have been down this road. I laid back deep in thought before washing my body. I went back into my bedroom and turned Patro face down I didn't want to expose my naked body to him. I moisturized my body and put on the lingerie I purchased. I put on deodorant and sprayed myself with his favorite perfume. I layed back on our bed and turned the TV on. About an half an hour later. I heard the twins come in the door.
Lau walked upstairs to our bedroom. He opened the door and whoop there I was.
"Damn Bébé you look good." He said as he walked towards the bed. He sat beside me kissing my cheek.
"So Daddy getting some tonight?" He smiled.
"Nope." I said smiling deviously. I put on my robe and headed to the door.
"This is just to show you what you won't be getting for the next three months."
"Wait what? Three months?" He said as he followed me downstairs. Larry was sitting in the kitchen with the same look as Laurent.
"This is a test to see how deep you really love us." Skylar said.
"There will be no sex no hand jobs or blow jobs for three months."
" If you can stay faithful then you have a clean slate."
"If you fail we leave your cheating asses forever."
"I looked Lau in his eyes and said "I'm routing for you baby."
Skylar placed the contracts in front of them and handed them pens.
"No kitty for three months?" They said looking at each other.
"For you Sky I would do anything" Lau said signing the contract.
Larry reluctantly signed his giving Skylar the pitiful puppy dog face.
"Good 3 months from today this contract expires. We are routing for you guys." Skylar said putting the contracts in a folder.

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