"Yes." I groaned. I wasn't much a fan of the Third Hokage.

"Fine, fine. Let's go then. I can't stand very well so I'll need to be-WHOAH!" Gai immediately picked me up and started to speed off. Kakashi just sighed, picked up Toge, and followed after him. I groaned, and leaned on the weird Jonin's back, trying to at least enjoy the ride a bit. It wasn't every day that I got carried.

And soon, I fell asleep.


"Sir Hokage! We found these girls in the woods. The blonde one tells us that they are not our enemies." I opened my eyes, and jumped, still not used to my surroundings. The person carrying me let go of me, and I fell onto the floor with an annoyed groan.

"Ugh I'm still here." I mumbled as I got up and brushed myself off. I looked at Toge, who was leaning against the wall, covering her mouth. She was smiling alright.

"Hello there, Mr. Hokage. Sup." I heared Toge choke back a laugh as I sent the Hokage a glare.

"Hello. I am this villages leader, please tell me, who are you two?"

"My name is Kuraun Kawa and this girl covering her laugh is Toge Senso. We live in the real world where dragons and unicorns don't exist and we live a boring life without ninjas." I told him. He gave me an odd look, but I kept my blank expression on. It is harder than it sounds.

"Wait, real world? This is the real world, miss Kuraun." Kakashi said. I sighed and looked at him with an unamused expression.

"Not ours. And please, just Kuraun."

"Then how did you get here?" The Hokage asked.

"Like Gai said, we don't know." Toge told him.

"I never told you my name. Are you sure you aren't enemy ninja?" Gai asked. Then realization hit both Toge and I. We knew the future of this world.

"No, we are not enemies. However, in our world, information about this one is very public. I am sure we are the only ones from there that appeared here, so we are the only ones who know." I said, pushing back a smirk.

"And what is that?" The Hokage asked. Toge smiled.

"All your futures." I couldn't help but laugh at their expressions.

"Not to mention your pasts." I smiled. Kakashi took that as a challenge.

"Then tell us something from our pasts."

"Kakashi, Obito was killed in the third ninja war because he wanted to save you and Rin, so half of him got crushed by a giant boulder, in which he gave you his sharingan as a gift for making Joinin. Gai, your father was an eternal genin, and he showed you all he knew. Hokage, one day, when you and Orochimaru were visiting his parents grave, you two found a rare shedded skin of a white snake, which he still has to this day." It was hard not to burst out laughing.

"Then we could use you two." The Hokage stated.

"Sir Hokage, I'm not sure that would-"

"Please, Kakashi. I know what I am doing. You two are dismissed, Gai, Kakashi." Then nodded and left, leaving Toge and I alone with the Hokage.

"Now, listen. I am going to have Gai and Kakashi both train you two. Only for a little while, and in basic things. because after a bit I am going to put both of you in the academy for the genin test. Got it?" I deviously smiled, and looked at Toge. She had an absolutely happy smile on, and we both nodded.

"Good. Now, both Kakashi and Gai will lead you to the training grounds, and then back here once I find a place for the both of you to stay."

"Hai." I said, nodding.

"You two are dismissed." With that, Toge and I walked out of the Hokage's office, and into the hands of Kakashi and Gai, who were arguing while we walked.

"We admitted that we knew stuff, so they're probably going to use Ibiki to interrogate us." I whispered to Toge.

"There's no problem there." She whispered back, shrugging. "If we tell him the truth right away, then there's no harm done."

"But they're going to want to know the future. They can't know that. You understand that as well as I." She sighed and nodded.

"Then we'll tell them that. Come on, we're dragging behind." she whispered, before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards Kakashi and Gai. I pushed the subject to the back of my mind. I would worry about it later.

"Now, we need to know how much you know about chakra. Since there are no ninjas where you come from."

"We know as much as you." Responded Toge.

"Well...okay then. Can you manipulate your chakra?" Kakashi asked, challengingly.

"Lets see..." I mumbled, focusing on a ball shape in my hand. I then opened my eyes to a full fledged Rasengan.

"I'll take that as a yes." Kakashi said, eyeing myself, then Toge. I looked over to her, and she had pulled of a shadow clone jutsu. When had she even learned the hand signs for that?

"Hm." I said, before dismantling the Rasengan, and making the hand signs for chidori. Surprisingly, I succeeded.

"I have no idea where you two learned those jutsus, but seems you know a lot more than you said you did." I smiled happily, and dismantled the chidori.

"How about taijutsu, then?" Gai wondered. I thought back, or forwards, I guess, to when Lee used the leaf hurricane. Then I attacked Gai, using the same movements.

"Seems you know high level taijutsu." Kakashi noted. He turned to Toge, completely ignoring the coughing Gai right under me.

"But do you?" He asked Toge. However, before I could even blink, she had done the same to Kakashi.

"I think so. Right, Kuraun?" She asked, messing with his hair. I laughed. Then the look completely wiped off my face. I finally remembered the other thing I wanted to do. And it was the perfect opportunity.

"What are you doing, Kuraun?" Asked Kakashi as I leveled my face with his. I put my hand up, right in front of his face. His eyes widened as he realized what I was doing. And then I did it.

The one and only copy ninja had been de-masked.

And it was not what I was expecting.

"YOU'RE HOTTER THAN I THOUGHT!" I yelled at him, impulsively. Based on the look on his amazing face, I'd have to get that under control.

"Ohh! Lemme see!" Toge whinnied, as she got a look at his face. She too, froze.

"Didn't I tell you?" I asked her. She slowly nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah you did."

"Oh! I have my phone! Yes! Hold on..." I said, as I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture. Kakashi was a little taken back, probably unaware of the device I was holding.

"Great picture." Toge laughed.

"I know, I'll treasure it forever. Oh! It's my new lockscreen!" I said, as I made it so. I smiled when it was done, and put the phone back in my pocket. When I looked up again, Kakashi had put his mask back on and was now standing. I sighed.

"What about genjutsu?" I asked Kakashi, mainly. He sighed, obviously annoyed with me.

"Yeah, yeah I'll teach you some, if you don't already know it." He mumbled, brushing himself off. I smiled deviously, once again, and looked at Toge. This was going to be great fun.


We're Stuck Here So Lets Have Some "Fun" ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now