C20 - The Past

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After the 'Field Trip'

I was helping Ms. Hans unload the things out of the back of her truck that she brought along on the field trip. "Thank you. I wouldn't take you as a gentleman."

I knew why. My past wasn't the best, but I stupidly said. "Why not? I can be very gentle." Ms. Hans laughed at this. We made it up to her apartment where inside was an all in home. Bedroom and kitchen was in the same length.

"Nice." I wasn't trying to be mean to the women.

"It's not my house, it's my sisters." She said putting down her things on her bed. I sighed with relief. "Let me guess. Sister Rivalry?"

She laughed once more. She laughed so cute, that it made me chuckle a little bit. I was trying to think the entire field trip, if she invited me cause she felt something for a student... me... in that case. She sat on the bed and finally broke the silence. "My sister is actually my best friend. Our mom is our rival. Luckily since we're both good and grown her garbage means know more."

"I know how that feels. My mom literally made me go to the corner when she found out I got a D on the test." I mumbled.

She smiled and looked directly at me, keeping her hands at her skirt. "Do you want an, A?" I was shocked at what I was hearing. Ms. Hans this morning was being the usual teacher... the mean, annoying kind. It was clearly all an act. I sat by her as I felt my hormones acting up, "yeah." I smiled. "Not as much as I want you, though."

I put my hand on her skirt, and put her box of gadgets onto the ground. I leaned in, and so did she. A few minutes into loving on each other she asked me who I wanted to be as an adult. I was confused, if she wanted to have sex or talk? "What?"

"We shouldn't do this. I'm your teacher..!" She tried to move, but I didn't let her. "Wait!" I yelled "Wait.... I...." It took me a few minutes to speak of this, but it was true. "I wanna be a writer."

She laughed in my face, until she saw I was serious, "Really? So all that D average stuff is just a cover up? But why?"

I told her without hesitation. "No one wants to be the nerd of the school. I'm not even that smart." I say.

She nodded, smirking. She walked over to the box of gadgets I put on the floor, so me and her could have sex... Oh never mind. She handed me a journal. "My mother gave it to me, when I told her I wanted to write... but I never used it."

I smiled. "Thank you. I could really use it." But as I said that I put it on the counter top, on the side of the bed, and grabbed Ms. Hans, onto my lap.


I finally woke up, with no clothes on, next to Regina Hans. She told me her name, when we started our rendezvous. I looked outside the curtains at the dark, the realness of the night, and had a heart attack. "HOW LONG DID WE SLEEP!"

Regina woke up in panic. "What the hell!"

A knock on the door startled both Ross and Regina.

That night Ross watched his dad pay Regina a nice abundant of money to never speak of this, or touch me again. He was informed that I was on a trip with her. It didn't even last a full night. My dad looked at me when Regina went back inside her sister's apartment, as an ashamed teacher... with a lot of funny. And all I could do was prepare for him through the car window in guilt. "Ross, I'm disappointed. I knew you were a womanizer and all that junk, but this shit has to stop. Do you hear me! Teachers!? You're a fucking disaster!"

Yes, I said to him. He told me that I was transferring again and that I will never bring this up again. But he doesn't determine that. Not today, or ever. I'll tell whoever I want to know. I held that journal to my chest the whole car ride home, hoping the guilt would pop out. I thought I would never have a life worth living, after that day.

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