C19 - Before Senior Year

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"We made it girls!" I yelled cheerfully, as Nina, Allie, and I strolled across the sidewalks, along the slope to my house. We had just left school 2 minutes ago. The last day of school. Nina passed her junior year, with a perfect GPA, while Allie was lucky to even be a junior. She wasn't the brightest, but she wasn't plain stupid. "You know, I'm glad next year is the last." Allie rolled her eyes.

"We won't have to see Bitchy D, and her two brain damaged minions, that's for sure." Dana and her rag tag group of misfits we're losers in my mind. Tacky and fakeness made their presence tacky and fake. But she sure seemed to be irresistible.

Someone behind us interrupted our laughing and giggling with a "Wait up!"

Austin. At the time, Austin was Allie's tutor, and he was nerdy as ever. The typical guy with the strap bag, and bony arms... But Allie, Nina, and I already knew being a nerd wasn't a bad thing. At the time these two didn't even know, that I knew what twelve times twelve was.

As he lagged behind us, we all stopped and waited for him to catch up. "Hey, geek," Allie said with a polite tone. Austin wasn't offended, and instead of making a fight, he smiled and blushed. I and Nina never suspected those two would ever be seen together. But it sure, hadn't been like that since today.

"You did it!" He reached his hand out for a high five, but Allie snuck her hands in her pocket and shyly looked at her feet, while we continued to walk the cement. She had obviously been embarrassed. Seeing Nina could have been her tutor, but Allie wouldn't allow it. "Well... are you guys excited for next year?"

How this guy became our friend? Him being so dull as well... we'll never really know. But he helped our best friend get through school, without being chopped up and boiled in a pot. "Yeah... thanks. But I'm thinking I don't need you, next year..."

"Are you crazy? You've been doing so well with me..."

"Exactly," Allie spoke forward. It sounded in the tone where Allie was divorcing Austin from her life. But really, she needed a excuse to not be seen with him, if Bitchy D was ever around. Austin's mom yelled at him to get in the car as we pulled up, and Allie blew a sigh of relife.

My House

Being the boy crazy teenage girls we are ('we're' for me) we all set by my phone waiting for Regan to call...Regan, the schools mystery senior. He was having a party for his last year. Bad boys and mystery we're all my type back in the day.

"This is stupid! Regan doesn't want anything to do with new seniors." I felt like we were in the scene with the two sisters from 'Sister, Sister' as we waited on the couch. We all gave Regan our numbers, but we were so sure he wouldn't even remember whose number he got.

To make matters slightly worse, Hailey's black leather boots thumped down the stairs. "Hey losers, still think you're going to that party?"

"Still think you're going to any party?" My sister wasn't a social butterfly, and all the friends she did have, wore black. I'm the only one who knew that before mom got sick, she wore all the colors of the rainbow. Speaking of mom...

"Maia! Allie and Nina! Let's see it!" She ran into the room with her arms reached out and her lips kissing all our foreheads. She wanted to see our acceptance letters of passing. We handed it to her in excitement.

-Your child MAIA MITCHELL will be attending Jacksonville next year with score of 1A and has had nothing above a C

The Maia and Ross DiariesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora