Hikaru x Kaoru (HikaKao) - Hidden Fears

Start from the beginning

-End Of Flashback-

The memory just bought me to more tears, and I began to feel light-headed. Oh god. The next stage of my panic attacks are passing out. I can't. Momoka barely knows me, never mind taking care of me while I was unconscious until Hikaru SOMEHOW got in.

"KAORU!" It's like a miracle, relief flooding through me as Kazukiyo gasped next to me.

"He's having a panic attack!" He claimed, jumping up. I was still shaking, and it felt as if the world was falling apart around us.

"Just move." Said Hikaru, with a hint of anger in his voice. I heard his bones crack as he kneeled down next to me, putting a hand on my back.

"C'mere," he mumbled, pulling me into a tight hug. I immediately moved my arms, wrapping them around him and wailing into his shoulder. I gripped onto him so tight that he might as well popped in my arms.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, tucking my head deeper in by placing his palm on my head. "I'm sorry I left you."

I attempted to talk, but all that came out were choked hiccups. I knew the next stage, and it was coming quick.

"H...Hika...Hikaru..." I cried, still holding onto him with all my might.

"Shh," he cooed. "I know. I've got you, I'll just carry you out." I relaxed at his words, and felt a little bit happier as his pure touch.

He cradled me, kissing my forehead every once and a while, and simply comforting me like a brother or boyfriend would.

Finally, I could feel myself slipping away, so I simply curled into him and allowed myself to let go. With Hikaru's arms still tightly around my waist, protecting me from every single horror that might try to break through my barrier, I finally felt like I was at peace to fall asleep.

-Hikaru's POV-
I stared down at my baby brother, curled up in my arms, his orange hair (practically identical to mine) hanging over his eyes in a limp manor.

I gently reached out, taking the strand and tucking it behind his ear. He let out a soft sigh, burying his head deeper into my chest.

I grinned to myself, before taking in a large breath and forcing myself off the ground, Kaoru in two, still in a tight ball and pressed against my chest.

"C'mon," I turned to Haruhi and Kazukiyo, nodding my head quickly towards the exit. "As much as I hate it, I'm pretty sure we've gotta forfeit."

Haruhi nodded in confusion, jogging to catch up to me, while Kazukiyo just followed behind us, a confused and questioning look on his face.

"So..." Haruhi mumbled slowly, turning to me. "Why did Kaoru break down like that?"

I let out a loud sigh, repositioning the body in my arms so he was comfortable while we walked. He let out a groan, trying to turn off, but quickly figuring out he was unable to and instead, settling for the position he was currently in.

The story is old, and I'd rather not repeat it, but if Haruhi asked, I suppose she deserved to know in this situation.

"Back when we were really young," I said softly, so Kaoru could have his moments of piece. "I left him for a few minutes to go to the bathroom. When I got back, some school bullies were picking on him. Before I could stop them, they punched him in the throat, and I..." I put my head down the memories resurfacing. "I almost didn't get him to the hospital in time."

"Oh Kaoru..." I heard her mumble softly next to me, before another much-dreaded question popped out.

"But you guys are appart all the times for the club!"

"That's different. He knows where I am. Well...he knows I'll be back. But in this situation, he literally had no idea where I was or where I had run off to. He panicked."

Haruhi, once again silenced by my words, just nodded.

-Small Time Skip-

I held onto Kaoru's hand tightly, squeezing every so often in attempts to get him to wake up. He was just asleep ; not in a coma or anything, but still, I would feel guilty if I woke him..

Yet I wanted him to be awake so badly.

I suppose there's a reason they call us twins, because right when I thought that, Kaoru's grip on my hand tightened drastically, and suddenly, his eyes began to flip open.

"Hikaru...?" Was his first word, and before he could say any more my arms were wrapped tightly around his neck and I was holding him close.

"Kaoru!" I cried happily. "Are you okay? Do you have a headache? Are you scared? Nervous? Anything like that?"

"Okay, okay!' Kaoru laughed loudly, shaking his head while he sat up slowly. "I'm fine! God, your full of questions."

"Do you remember what happened?" I got up slowly, the chair squeaking and churning at the lose of my weight, and sat down gently next to Kaoru. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, pulling him a little closer (to a point where he was almost on my lap...).

"..." Kaoru tapped his chin, face twisted up in thought, before he slowly nodded.

"Y-Yeah," he mumbled. "I remember."

Without thinking, I fully pulled him onto my lap, pushing my lips against his forehead, then his lips. He let out a squeak, but allowed me to continue and do as I wish. I grabbed his hand, picking it up and intertwining our fingers, giving a squeeze every once a while for his personal comfort.

We pulled away with a gasp, both of our faces flushed as we panted heavily. I took the back of his head gently, pulling him into my chest and wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry about that," I whispered softly. "I won't let it happen again...Kaoru..."

And, the rest of the night was spent the same way, small kisses exchanged, fingers intertwined with one another, and sweet nothings in one another's ears.

Because we were brothers, we were twins, and, above all, we were lovers.


...I can't tell how OOC this is. On a scale from. 1-10, probably...8?
Yeah. Hope you liked I guess XD
The next one is either gonna be Junjou Romantica or Free! (Reigisa or MakoHaru, sorry RinHaru fangirls...)

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