-2- on patrol

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Warnings: Bakugou's language and him being a dick and mentions of  depression and self consciousness.

Leaving the building side by side walking down the street in silence. "So Ground Zero I was thinking maybe after work you and I can go out drinking or maybe something to eat if you don't want to drink you know?"

He didn't answer Red just started walking faster. "Or not." Kirishima mumbled as he caught up to him hanging his head low but raised it when he was beside Bakugou again.

With a deep sigh and a shake of his head he cleared his mind. He normally is okay with Bakugou ignoring him but today was an off day for him. He had to wake up early and get ready but he couldn't today he felt heavy, paralyze with sadness all he wanted to do was stay in bed stay in his safe spot and he wanted to curl up and cry. However he couldn't today because of hero work he could let his depression get to him so he got ready and put on his happy go getter face and went to work.

Now with Bakugou being rude he was used to but he felt extremely self conscious today about himself so when Bakugou did that it kinda hurt.

He looked up and cranked his neck to the side and looked at Bakugou. "Hey um. Never mind." It was quite nothing happening and Bakugou wanting nothing to do with the world. Until he heard him sigh. "Why do you want me to always want me to come and drink with you and those extras?"

Shocked he looked at his hands. "Well I didn't say that they were going to be there this time but I want you to get out more you know." He half whispered. "Tsk whatever." Then it got quite again for a minute. "I'll think about if it's just you Red."

Everything got quiet just people talking on the streets. Sun was slowly setting now which meant that the two needed to head back and do a report. Thankfully nothing happened today.

I know this chapter sucks but I wanted to get something out. I'm also sorry that I haven't posted in awhile I just got really busy with my artwork and projects and a lot of family issues so I might be able to post either once a month or twice a month right now but it's better then not posting at all.
See you all in the next chapter👋 -Andrew

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