-1- in office

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A/N: No warnings other then Bakugou's language.
Welcome everyone to feels lane now this will be semi slow burn and the first couple of chapters will be short but around chapter fourish they should start to get longer. OH and if you want background couples please let me know do not hesitate okay? I want you guys, gals, and non-binary pals to let me know like give me the Good and the Bad feedback. I would love to know your opinions on this! Now enough with my mumbling and rambling and lets get to the story shall we?!


Beep...Beep...Be- BOOM!
"Shut the FUCK UP!" Bakugou yelled as he turned his alarm clock off well more look broke it again with a small explosion. He let out a small sigh as he looked at the time.

5:31 AM

He sat up in bed and swung his feet to the floor and put on his slippers and got up. Walking downstairs to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and get a bowl of cereal, as the coffee was brewing he went back to his room to change into his hero suit.

About twenty minutes later he had his black coffee and finished his cereal. It was 6:03 AM now and had to finish getting ready. He went to the bathroom and violently brushed his teeth he then put on his deodorant and fixed his flat blond hair and made it into an explosion like hairstyle. He left at 6:10 AM and got in his car heading to his office.

Once he parked his car he grabbed his coffee and locked his car. He had to finish his and his partners paperwork. Bakugou was supposed to do it with his partner but he doesn't have time to wait for Shitty Hair to show up.

Twenty minutes of paperwork late he finishes it and his partner decides to show up.


"Shut up. To early for your yelling... Again." Bakugou got up and looked at him. His stupid hair is all done up in a spiky weird style... like always. Bakugou looked him up and down. "Kirishima... You forgot your stupid arm things." He said as hi pointed at his shoulders.

His partner, Kirishima his eyes widened and he brought his hands to his shoulders. "fuck that's what I forgot today." Whispered Kirishima as his color faded from his face and his smile turned to a frown. "Red.. Fucker you have an extra here in the fucking back dumbass. Oh and I finished the stupid ass paperwork."

All color and smile come back as well as a small blush from Bakugou calling him 'Red' because it's always 'Shitty Hair" or "Kirishima" and Red was different to hear. Now don't get any ideas he surely didn't have a crushing Bakugou, his partner Ground Zero.

Quickly running to the back while he yelled 'thanks' to Bakugou about the paperwork and the reminder about his extra. Bakugou looked at him and got up from his chair and put his mask on.

7:00 AM time for patrol.

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