I will Protect you (Mikasa x Jean)

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One-Shot information:

AU – 1 Normal

Genre – 1 Angst

Rating – 3 PG13

Pairing: Mikasa x Jean

Yes romance

Writer: dragonlover098


Warning: There is a spoiler (? Light, very light, almost non-existent) for the anime in this.


“Mikasa? What are you doing?!” Jean exclaimed.

She stayed silent, her swords in her hand. They had run out of gas trying to get to the supply HQ in Trost. “I won’t let you die.” She runs up to the titan, distracting it from Jean.

“No! Mikasa!”

She was too slaw as she got grabbed by her legs, dangling in air. All Jean could do was watch as she got ripped in two and eaten.

He didn’t even realize she had told him to run as the same happened to him.


A/N: I realize now that I completely forgot the romance part of this, so that was upsetting xD I will probably re-write this into a longer one-shot that explains how they got there, and maybe change what happened even, but meh, Imma stick with this for now :3

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