A New Discovery (Armin x Sasha)

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One-Shot information:

AU - 4 Modern

Genre - 5 Fantasy

Rating - 3 PG13

Pairing: Armin x Sasha

No romance

Writer: dragonlover098


Armin sighed. There had been something on his mind the past week, and it wasn't his grades either. Ever since his two friends, Eren and Mikasa, left for an early summer vacation, Armin hadn't been able to focus on his night work.

His 'night work' was to keep both the physical world and spiritual world safe. What did this mean? It meant he could see things others couldn't. Eren and Mikasa worked with him as well since they had similar abilities.

“Armiiiiiiin!: A voice sung out as something collided into his back, causing him to fall onto the ground.

“W-What the?”

“Armiiiin! Something’s chasing meee!” The voice cried into his ear. He turned his head to see a girl, Sasha, a friend of his.

“Sasha…” He sighed. “Did you take Ymir’s food again?”

“No!” She had a guilty look on her face. “Okay yes, but it’s not Ymir!”

“What? Who is it then?” Sasha rolled off of him and he sat up, only to see something dark approaching.

“That thing!” She cried, pointing at it. Armin quickly stood up and grabbed her up, leading her into an empty classroom, locking the door. Almost immediately the door began to shake.

“What the hell is that thing?!” Sasha exclaimed.

“So you can see it?” Armin asked her.

“Hm? Yeah, why?”

Armin shook his head. “No, I’ll tell you later. I’ll deal with this.”

- to be continued –


A/N: This will be made into a real story.

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