Lost and Found (Reiner x Krista)

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One-Shot information:

AU – 3 Middle Earth

Genre – 5 Fantasy

Rating – 3 PG13

Pairing: Reiner x Krista

No romance

Writer: dragonlover098


Krista curled up next to the tree, wanting to catch some rest. She and her had been traveling from their hobbit home, but they had gotten separated.

“Ymir…where are you?” Krista mumbled, closing her eyes. She was about to doze off but jumped up when she heard hooves headed her way. She stayed still, but soon saw a horse approaching her. She turned to run, but was stopped.

“Hey! You there!” A deep voice called to her. She turned to see a blonde haired man on the horse, which had slowed to a stop in front of her. He had pointy ears, which only meant he was an elf.

“What is your business here?” He asked.


A/N: I’m sorry, I won’t be continuing this T-T I don’t know much about Middle Earth to actually make this into a story, so maybe once I’ve watched all the movies and read all the books, I might decide to continue this.

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