A Trip to Where? (Annie x Jean)

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One-Shot information:

AU – 5 Outer Space

Genre – 5 Fantasy

Rating – 3 PG13

Pairing: Annie x Jean

No romance

Writer: letsalleatpasta



Annie was startled but this unfamiliar noise almost caused her to drop a hot pan on herself. She looked out the window to see a large phone box in her backyard with a handsome young man leaning against it. Annie hesitantly went out to her back porch.

“Annie Leonhardt?” The man asked as Annie nodded. “Excellent, lets go.” He snapped his fingers and the box revealed a large room inside way too big to fit in any phone box. Annie was taken by surprise. She slowly looked in and around.

“How is this possible?” She asked out of shock.

“Everyone asks that.” said the man with a scoff. “Just get in.”

Before Annie could protest, she was already inside and the doors shut behind her. She tensed up, as if she was waiting for some sort of attack. Suddenly the gadgets in the room started wizzing and Annie grabbed the nearest thing to hold onto.

“Just call me Jean” said the man with a cocky grin. Annie’s glove wiped it off his face. “I need you to help me with a problem with involving aliens.”

Annie blinked. “Are you sure you want me? I don’t know you and I have no idea what’s going on.” It was rare to see her so panicked in a situation.

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