An Arranged Marriage (Krista x Levi)

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One-Shot information:

AU – 3 Mermaids

Genre – 5 Fantasy

Rating – 2 PG

Pairing: Krista x Levi

Yes romance

Writer: dragonlover098


Levi sighed as he swam through the castle. His father had called for him to meet in the throne room. He would be meeting his bride-to-be. Honestly, he didn’t care about getting married or being the sea king. It wasn’t his taste. Not to mention his bride would probably be as filthy as any other sea creature in the kingdom.

He arrived at the throne room, finding his mother and father conversing with another mermaid.

“Oi, I’m here” he said, swimming towards them.

“Oh, Levi! Right on time!” His mother exclaimed. “We’d like you to meet Krista Lenz,” she motioned to the young mermaid. “She is your fiance.”

Levi looked at the mermaid. She had short blonde hair that framed her face, crystal blue eyes, and her tail was a majestic purple. At first glance, he took her as a completely selfish girl, however there was something about her eyes that made him curious.

“Tch. You two can leave now.” His parents laughed a bit, doing so. He looked to Krista again.

This is going to be interesting.’


A/N: This will be continued.

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