Chapter 3

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April 23,2017

Ever since my Dad found out Iris can sing, it's like he pays less attention towards me

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Ever since my Dad found out Iris can sing, it's like he pays less attention towards me. I mean I know I'm the only girl and everything, but what does it take to get a" good job" or "how's your next project going Oria". This gets tiring it like he doesn't care about me anymore.

"I'm kind of full, can I be excused" I looked at my plate even though it was half empty

"You barely touched your food." Said, my Mom,

"Is there something wrong?" Said, my Dad,

"No, I'm fine its tired I think I'm gonna go to bed." I grabbed my plate and hand it to the maid then headed upstairs to my room. I couldn't stand listening to their conversation anymore

I went to my desk and started reading my script for the show I auditioned for. Until I heard a knock at my doorway

"Can I come in?" Said, my Dad,

"Yeah, sure whatever."

"I saw how bothered you were at the table, is there something on your mind?" he said

just kept silent and reading my script.

"You know you can tell me anything?" He sat next to me

*sigh* " I just feel like you pay so much attention to the boys that you forget about me."

"Forge- I don't forget about you, is that how you feel."

"Well yeah, you never ask me how my day is or what have I've been up to-"

"That's because I expect more out of you than them when you were little you showed me so many signs of independence and I didn't want to get in the way if you doing things on you're on own and look at you now," he said

"Between me and you, you're the smarter one amongst all your brothers, trust me they think they know everything but they don't, especially Iris."

"You really mean that." I looked at him

"Yes, every word, now I'm sorry if I'm coming off as rude its just that I don't want you depending on no man for anything and to believe anything they tell you. I mean your grown now and I want you to be strong and that's what you are strong beautiful black women."

"Thanks, Dad so does this mean I'm not your little girl anymore."

"You'll always be my little girl." He said hugging me

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