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"do you want any water before your next scene Mr. Wolfhard?" asked a woman standing next to me but I just shook my head in return and continued to stare at the one spot I'd been staring at for about an hour now 

"you know it's not your fault Finn?" sophia muttered from next to me but I didn't need her to try and convince me I didn't contribute to my girlfriends misery 

"Finn please talk to me" Sophia almost whispered placing her hand softly on my shoulder, I stood up causing her to jump back in fright "IF SHE DIDN'T COME TO VISIT ME THEN SHE COULD'VE BEEN WITH HER MOTHER SOPH SO I DON'T NEED YOU TELLING ME TO PRETEND IT'S ALL BUNNIES AND RAINBOWS" I yelled and the shorter girl flinched at my words 

"she didn't only come because of you, she had a modelling job" "YEAH - because of who? ME" "okay now you're just sounding cocky" Sophia was now standing in front of me with a small smirk to go with her raised eyebrows forming little creases on her freckled forehead

"it's just not fair that we get to stand here with amazing lives, perfect families and solid futures while the girl that I love is crying at home" in reaction of my surprising words sophia's smirk turned into a little smile playing on her lips and I realised what I admitted to her "I-I-"

"Finn Wolfhard? break over we need you in studio b6 please" a man with a clipboard announced from behind me "I-I'll see you later soph"

"text her Finn" "I already did"  I called as I walked further from the smaller girl "multiple times".


A week had past and I had done nothing but stay cooped up in my bedroom watching every single sad movie I could think of and my google search history consisted of "sad movies" "movies to cry at" "movies like the notebook" "movies like the perks of being a wallflower" and so on.

 I don't know why but when I'm sad I don't want to cheer myself up I want to cry it all out and embrace my feeling so the voice of Sam smith filled my ears day in, day out as I wished for the internal aching of my heart to disappear. 

My father took out a mortgage on our house and has been trying his best to find any sort of job but has had no luck so far. 

Each night he comes home with a new bottle of whisky, half empty to wash away his feeling for a couple hours before he passes out of the couch and wakes up with a heartache stronger than the one in his head. 

He stopped doing the things he loved like baking and turned to old habits, I have to admit I did feel tempted to go out myself remembering slightly how free it felt when I was dancing around in Eli's lounge taking shot after shot last month. 

My phone snapped me out of my thoughts as it buzzed again and with a quick look at the screen I saw yet another text from Finn "I know I can't understand how you are feeling right now but if you want to call me please do, I'm so worried Y/N" 

that's the 14th text since I last saw him and I sighed finally reaching over to the device and unlocking the phone before texting Finn

Finn and Y/N's texts

Finn 🐠: please text me when you land

Finn 🐠: you probably feel like shit and I understand that but I'm so worried about you please answer

Finn 🐠: Y/N?

Stay Calm // Finn wolfhard book 1Where stories live. Discover now