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I jumped out of the car with Jack while Sophia went to park it further down the street, they had been bugging me the whole car ride about Y/N and I haven't told them anything because to be honest I don't know anything apart from her name and her phone number which I'm too scared to text.

 "OMG Finn Wolfhard and Jack Grazer!!!" I heard some squeals from behind us and I spun around to see 4 girls running toward us "hey guys we're really sorry but we can't talk much today we have the exam to get to but you can walk with us if you want?" Jack explained causing the girls to swoon before wrapping their arms around jack and one of the girls came next to me as I put my arm over her shoulder making her smile to grow even wider.

 Just as we walked through the door my eye caught sight of someone standing in the corner of the room that made my breath hitch in my throat. 

She stood there looking even more beautiful than she did yesterday, Y/N make eye contact with me and smiled before glancing over to the girl on my arm, her smile quickly faded and she looked back to her phone in her hand. 

Crap! she probably thinks the fan is my girlfriend or something, I stopped in my tracks and turned to the girl still clinging to my shoulder gleefully "hey why don't you catch up with jack I gotta do something" she nodded quickly before running off and latching onto jacks posse. 

I started walking toward Y/N when I heard Sophia's voice from behind me "Hey Finnie come sit with us it's about to start" I rolled my eyes and took a seat in between her and Jaeden. I glanced over to the corner where Y/N was standing but she wasn't there anymore, my eyes scanned the room and saw her a few rows ahead of me biting the tip of her pencil nervously.

 I can't blame her, this exam contributes to weather she goes to College or not. 


I sat at the unfamiliar hardwood desk in front of me, it had scratches and marks in it saying various names i guess of people who have sat here in the past, people who have been under the pressure I'm feeling now.

 You got this, the words I said to myself right before I walked into this overcrowded hall rang in my ears. The Finn guy I met yesterday was in the same exam as me, how ironic, plus I find out he has a girlfriend even though he flirted with me yesterday...maybe he wasn't flirting, maybe he was just being friendly, how would I know I never go out anyway. 

Just as always thoughts crowded my mind all shouting at me from different directions. my teeth nibbled the end of my pencil as my eyes scanned the sheet in front of me, I knew the answers but I couldn't write them yet, everyone would judge me I couldn't fly through the exam, I would get called a smart ass or know it all, my mothers words echoed in my brain "no one is worrying about you they're all focused on their own questions" I glanced around the room quickly catching sight of Finn a couple rows back from me, his head down and concentrating on the paper.

 A different girl to the one I saw before sat next to him, she had a ginger pixie cut and freckles scattered on her perfectly clear skin, suddenly her head popped up and made eye contact with me. 

Her mouth curled into a warm smile and I felt my cheeks grow red, shit! she saw me, she probably thinks I'm a judgemental creep, she hates me and we don't even know each other. My gaze shot back to the paper on my desk and I pulled the pencil out of my throat as I scribbled down some of the answers. 

My palms were clammy and I heard the drum of my heart beating in my ears drowning out the murmurs of multiple students surrounding me. 

Within 2 hours of the 3 hour exam I had finished but there's no way I was getting up to hand in my paper not until at least 16 others had. I could here it now everyone shouting "smart ass, know it all, teachers pet!" again my mother's words sounded distant in my mind "No one will care they're focused on their own exam" but I pushed her voice away as my breathing quickened causing my chest to rise and fall faster than before.

 My vision became clouded and my throat was getting tighter by the second, I wanted to get out of this room but I couldn't until I handed in this paper but I couldn't do that until someone else had finished. 

This was the definition of torture. 

3 minutes passes and my throat was so tight every wheezy breath was shorter than the last, my hand were screwed into fists which were clutching the desk so tight my knuckles turned white. 

My head pounded as all my thoughts screamed at me to leave but I couldn't bring my legs to stand. 

I let out a huge gasp of air attracting a lot of looks from the students around me, I couldn't be in this room any longer, and with that I pushed my arms onto my desk, raising my body and I scurried to the front giving the paper to a teacher before running to the exit and jumping into my car pulling the door shut with a loud slam.

 1,2,3,4,5, I counted in my head as I breathed in and then on my fingers I counted to 5 as I released my breath which sounded shaky at first but smoothed out as I calmed down.

10 minutes later I was back to a neutral state and spotted Finn exiting the hall, my breath hitched in my throat as my frantic fingers flipped the key and the car came to life. I clicked my seat belt and pulled out of the car park - shooting toward the exit to join the smooth flow of cars going about their lives. 

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