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Weeks passed as my birthday neared and me and Finn hadn't talked since that one day at the pool when he told me he needed to tell me something but he left my house instead. 

I sat on my bed in silence staring at the wall blankly as I heard a soft knock on my door "come In" I almost whispered "Hi honey are you alright you haven't really been around lately" my mother said walking forward and taking a seat next to me on the duvet.

 "How do you know if someone likes you mum" I sighed turning towards her but not daring to make eye contact "well is he or she kind to you and are you comfortable around each other?" I nodded slightly thinking of Finn immediately making me feel calmer when ever his presence is near 

"and are you happy with when you're around him or her" I smiled, remembering pulling him into the pool and that warm fuzzy feeling I get when looking at him laugh.

 "But we haven't spoken in over 2 weeks" I said hearing the sadness coat my voice "text her or him?" "I ca-  I can't " I stuttered glancing at my hands before I felt my mother stand up and walk to the door "talk to Finn, he's a good kid"

 "How did you know I was talking about him" I questioned suddenly feeling that familiar redness rush back to my cheeks "who else would it be" she winked before walking out of the room and pulling the door shut behind her leaving me alone with my thoughts once again. 


I stepped outside the fresh Autumn breeze hitting my face and adjusting my camera strap on my shoulder I walked down the footpath of the quietest street in Vancouver. I snapped a few photos of some sparrows bathing in a nearby puddle before walking into a quiet chocolate shop and walking up to the front placing $4.00 on the counter "one small hot chocolate please" the women smiled sweetly before stashing the money in the till and turning to make the drink.

 I felt a few eyes on me so ignoring the pounding of my heart, I pulled out my camera gripping it firmly in my clammy hands and flicking through the photos trying to focus on something else rather than my surrounding just like my therapist a few years back had taught me, it worked, most of the time.

 "Those are some pretty sick shots" a male voice pulled me out of the isolated universe I had put myself in, I jumped and dropped my camera causing the strap around my neck to catch it, jolting sharply downward against my skin.

 "uh thanks" I mumbled turning to look up at the guy who's almond brown eyes were staring back at me, he got a sudden look of recognition plastered on his face "uhm do I know you?" I pondered awkwardly "no, no I think I would remember such a pretty face" I rolled my eyes at his cheesy pick up line and swiped my finished hot chocolate off the counter and turned to walk past him

 "w-wait!" he called reached out for my arm "what?" "I was um actually looking for a photographer to take some photos of .... of" "of what?" I almost snapped "for just my instagram or yours...if you want like a model or something you know?" "I don't have any social media handles sorry" I said awkwardly again just adding to this whole situation, a small smile creeped onto his face 

"oh thats cool" "yeah well I gotta go" I hurried along with him trotting next to me "okay I'll see you 'round, I'm Eli by the way" "Y/N" I grinned before making my way to the woods behind my house. 

A/N/// sorry for the shorter chapter xx

Stay Calm // Finn wolfhard book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora