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A/N//// Wow look who decided to not have a shower, go outside, eat or sleep - what a great way to spend the school holidays ;) enjoy 


"We still have 8 hours until I need to go so what's next on the agenda" I announced just before my phone buzzed in my pocket, I grabbed it out before reading the text on the illuminated screen 


Unknown number: Hey Finnie it's Lizzie, haha that rhymes anyway do u wanna come to a party in about 20 mins 

Me: I'm actually with Y/N right now I'm sorry

Unknown number changed her name to 'Lizard 🦎'

Lizard changed your name to 'Finnie ❤️'

Lizard 🦎: bring her too!

Finnie ❤️: I doubt she'll wanna come but I'll ask 

"Lizzie just invited us to a party" I chuckled in disbelief before looking over to the girl standing opposite to me. She looked at me with a grin before I heard her speak "lets go" 

my head shot up to see her smiling from the opposite side of the car "what?" "yeah! lets go to that party, I mean I've gotta get over this stupid anxiety sometime and what better time than on my birthday" she finished triumphantly

 "Y/N are you sure you want to do this?" I questioned feeling a small sense of proudness. "yeah" she giggled "do you wanna drive?" she asked me throwing the keys my way, I caught them perfectly and laughed as we climbed into the car "at least you can throw because you can't catch as we learnt earlier today" I snickered causing Y/N to roll her eyes but I couldn't help notice the slight smile behind her sassiness. 

Finnie ❤️: We'll be right there :)

Lizard 🦎: eggcellent LOL! sorry I'm so quirky sometimes 

- 30 minutes later - 

We pulled up outside the house Lizzie told me it was at and by the lights and booming music from inside I'd say we were at the right place. I looked over to Y/N as I flipped the key to turn the engine off 

"you don't have to go in if you don't want to, we can go home and watch a film or something" I said again not wanting to pressure her into anything she wasn't ready for, but Y/N just nodded and took a deep breath before saying "I've never been to a party and I'm 18 now - what better place to try alcohol than now right?" 

"well we could just go buy some and go home so you can try it there?" she shook her head and open the car door stepping into the night air. 

The music pounded even my own head I can't imagine how Y/N must be feeling but I looked over to her and she gave a reassuring smile, I walked forward and took her hand in mine as we walked through the front door. 

Teenagers danced all around us, their sweaty bodies bumping into to us sometimes as we tried to push through to the back. 

When we finally reached a quieter spot I turned to Y/N "do you still want to be here?" I shouted over the noise "YES!" she basically screamed back as she grabbed a red cup off the near buy table "is this alcohol?" Y/N asked giving the cup to me, I took a sip feeling the bitter liquid enter my mouth and into my system "yup definitely!" I laughed before handing the cup back. 

She drunk chugged the whole cup in a matter of seconds grimacing terrifically at the nasty taste "how are we supposed to tell Eli and Lizzie that we know everything?" Y/N yelled "maybe we should do it tonight?" I suggested and Y/N nodded in agreement.


The music pumped through my heart making it seem like that was the only thing keeping my blood flowing through my veins, my head became clouded as multiple people bumped me as they danced yelling and singing as they moved on to the next person 

"We should go tell them right now" Finn said as he started pulling me to the back door and toward Lizzie who was basically cackling with laughter as she talked to a blonde haired guy. 

"No Finn wait!" he stopped pulling me along as he walked and looked into my eyes as I continued to shout

 "you can go talk to her, she'll probably listen better and I'll go find Eli" but he just shook his head "No I'm not leaving you alone right now" "I'll be fine Wolfhard" "are you sure?" I just nodded even though my head was screaming at him to stay I gave a soft smile as he let go of my hand and

 walked away.  

I scanned the crowd of teens before spotting Eli and I put a confident smile on my face before walking over to him and announcing my arrival "Hey Elliott" he turned to me, shocked "Hey! Y/N what are you doing here?" "oh Lizzie invited me and Finn" 

"a-are you okay? like are you comfortable here" he lowered his voice so the guys around couldn't hear, my heart slightly fluttered at his concern before I remembered that he was using me "I know you're using me to get to Finn okay Eli" I said crossing my arms over my chest causing his eyes to grow wider 

"what! no no I would never use you, Lizzie you see has a big crush on Finn and I .... I like you"

 it was my turn to be surprised "oh, OH!" is all I could get out "I'm sorry Elliott but Finn is sorta my boyf-" "SHOTS!" one of the guys around him yelled pumping his fists in the air causing the people around us to cheer loudly flooding out my words 

"what I can't hear you!" Eli yelled words I could just make out, I didn't bother answering and was about to walk away when Eli took ahold of my wrist and I turned back to see him holding out a purple shot glass

 "You only live once!" he yelled and I smiled taking the glass and looking at the clear liquid swirling inside before tipping my head back like I'd seen in movies and swallowing the whole thing at once.

Stay Calm // Finn wolfhard book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon