Lucius picks up on the man's hesitancy, "What else, Steven?" Lucius demands and Steven has no choice but to answer.

"Her pack was the last of the pure blood werewolves. They were direct descendants of the first werewolf and have no human blood tainting their lineage. Being a wolf is hardwired in her, that is why she is so much better than the rest of the pack. The fact that she comes from alpha blood just makes her even stronger. She is perhaps the strongest werewolf we have.

"Warwick is aware that she lives. He is also aware that you are mated to a vampire. He had the oddest reaction to that though," Steven holds back.

Lucius is losing his patience with the wolf games. "What!"

Steven gives a little shake and comes back to himself. "Sorry, Warwick was almost beside himself. Not in anger or upset, but thrilled. Lucius you terrify him on a regular basis, why would he be thrilled that you are mated to our last purebred wolf?"

Lucius is confused by this as well. Warwick has maintained his distance. Other than the one time he came to see for himself that Faline wishes to remain with Lucius and didn't trust anyone else and that she out performed the pack children because of Lucius's training.

"My family comes from the original vampire. We too, have no human blood tainting our line. But I don't see how or why Warwick and the wolf council would be happy about Faline mating with me because of that."

Steven sits back in his chair and thinks. "Two of the strongest of both races mated. Vampire/wolf matings have happened occasionally in the past but nothing comes of it. There are no children."

"We are aware that there won't be children. We have both accepted that. In my case I had accepted the fact long before I met Faline."

"Faline had a wolf mate that she rejected. What will you do when you find your vampire mate, Lucius?"

Faline is now looking at Lucius as well. Things are still a little strained, his lack of trust in her had damaged their relationship.

Lucius hadn't even thought about a possible female vampire being his mate, he shows his shock on his face. "I hadn't even thought about it. I reject her, whoever she might be, so that she might be able to look for and find someone that will be able to love her."

Faline relaxes a bit and falls back into her thoughts, listening, but not really paying attention.

"What was that, Alpha Steven?" Faline demands.

"There is a big celebration of all the nearby packs, and by nearby I mean within two days journey, you both are invited. Indeed, Warwick made special mention that he expects you both there. It seems the vampires will also be attending."

With that Lucius lets loose with a few choice words.

Before Lucius can say anything Lucius's phone starts ringing. He takes it out. "I have to take this call." He bites his words off. 

"What?" Lucius is even shorter with whoever is on the other line.

Both the wolves can hear what is being said and Faline winces at the words. Lucius isn't going to like being ordered to attend that celebration. Lucius doesn't deal well with being ordered at all.

Lucius doesn't say anything else and that makes Faline even more nervous. When Lucius hides his anger bad things happen.

Lucius looks to her more than a little hurt, "I'm not going to harm you."

"I know that, Lucius, but when you get angry you're not as careful with those around you. Or with things around you. I finally got the house redecorated I don't need or want you to undo all my work."

Lucius gives her a warm smile, "I promise, I won't take my anger out at home." That only makes her feel marginally better.

Steven slides an invitation over to Lucius then changes his mind and slides it to Faline. "The address and directions to the location of the event. They would have preferred the city, but they were smart enough to know that Lucius would never give permission for that many supernaturals to come in. This is the only other location that was big enough to hold the amount of people they are expecting. They figure that the werewolves will outnumber the vampires significantly."

Lucius snorts, "What is this celebration for anyway?"

"Why you two of course. Your mating. Two purebloods each the last of your line finding and being each other's mates."

"Why is this a celebration? Usually the wolf council and the vampire council are both against the vampire/wolf pairings."

Steven sighs, "Honestly, I don't know. I was just the one they ordered to give you the invitation. When they told me that I got my affairs in order, I know how much you dislike your own kind."

"I have yet to shoot the messenger." Lucius says dryly.

"No, but you are known for wounding them painfully, Lucius." Faline says amusement obvious in her voice.

Lucius shoots her an amused look as well.

"Ready to go shopping, love?" Lucius says wanting to spread some of the ill humor around.

"Why?" Faline doesn't much care for shopping. There are any number of things she'd rather do, like be tortured.

"You have to have a dress. And if we are the stars of that nights performance you have to shine brighter than any of the other females, bitches included." At the offended look of both Faline and Steven, Lucius adds quickly, "I'm not talking about the wolves either. Female vampires are the definition of bitch. They also like to hide behind glamour and glitz. I'm not going to leave you open to their mocking because you aren't shining brighter than they."

Faline sighs, when it comes to the vampire world she has no argument. Lucius absolutely detests his own kind. There is no way he'll let her off. They'll be shopping for hours just to find the perfect dress. Then there are the shoes. Then the... she'll be lucky if it doesn't take days to finish shopping to his standard just for that one night.

"When is this damn event any way?" Faline now as cross as Lucius asks.

Steven inches his chair away from his desk. Lucius in a bad mood is not good. Faline in a bad mood is even worse. With them both in a bad mood there are deaths likely.

"One week Saturday." Steven tells them hesitantly. "It's all there in the invitation."

Lucius is now in a much better mood. He grabs the invitation that Faline has so far left on the desk and helps Faline out of her chair. "Come the sooner we start, the sooner we finish. I know a lovely place where we can have lunch."

As the door shuts behind them Steven lets out the breath he'd been holding. He wasn't sure that he was going to survive that. He hopes the two council's know what they are doing. He does know that the vampire council isn't doing anything to lessen Lucius's disdain for them. He's glad he doesn't have to deal with Lucius in hate mode.

There isn't enough of anything on this earth to make him willing to do that.

Lia comes in, "You tell them about the celebration?"

"Yes, I wasn't sure that I'd live once I did."

"Lucius didn't take it too well I suppose?" Lia says running her hand through his hair as she sits on the arm of his chair.

"Nope, but it's Faline's reaction on finding out that Lucius is taking her shopping that was when I really started fearing for my life."

Lia just laughs in delight. Lucius is in for a real treat. Before the females of the pack would all force Faline to shop for certain events. It was never a fun thing for any involved.

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