~Chapter 19~

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      Both of Midoriya's eyelids felt as if they were carrying cinderblocks. He squinted at the horizon, barely making out the bombastic blond hair he was so familiar with.
      Shouji's steady, yet quick, pace increased. His stamina was running on fumes, even though he persisted. "Bakugou! Todoroki! One of you please..."
      The villain, that Bakugou and Todoroki were tangling with, pivoted. "Flesh...." One of it's many teeth shot out into Shouji's direction; him barely dodging.
      "Give us some light!"
      Dark Shadow emerged from the forest, stomping onto the villain. Debris was kicked into the air, clouding the students' vision.
The villain barely lifted itself mumbling an incoherent jumble, before Dark Shadow incapacitated him. The villain's blood, and chipped teeth, scattered into the air, later raining down.
       Todoroki and Bakugou, after watching the villain get obliterated, activated their quirks. This petrified Dark Shadow, prompting causing him to flee into Tokoyami's body.
      "I'm your worst matchup." Bakugou cackled, happily taunting Tokoyami.
      "...? Thank you."
      "K-Kacchan!" Midoriya feebly smiled, "Y-you're okay!"

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(Name) dug the heel of her foot into a crisp leaf; savoring that satisfying crunch it emitted. She despised how small, and inferior, she felt; not to mention each living being around was cautious of her.
Her chapped lips pressed together into a thin line. Todoroki stood to her right, with Tokoyami on her left.
"Our mission would have to be to safely deliver Bakugou to our teachers, as well as (Last Name)."
"You're right, Tokoyami."
"(Last Name) should stand towards the front, and Bakugou to the back. We can't risk her running off."
The students brainstormed, hoping to create a makeshift plan. Bakugou and (Name) watched as the students conversed. Soon enough, (Name) awkwardly stood front and center with the rest of her peers in formation behind.
The blonde felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand, as if she had some form of spidey-sense. A terrible forewarning that she couldn't act on.
      "Uraraka, Tsuyu!"
(Name) smacked her cheeks. She refocused on her surroundings, and saw that another pair of students joined their party.
       "We were just guarding Kacchan, and (Last Name)!"
      "Then where is he?"
       The ragged group of students all turned around. Time seemed to slow down as they all saw the empty space behind them. Bakugou Katsuki, and Fumikage Tokoyami were nowhere to be found.
       'Shiiiit—' (Name) pivoted on the ball of her foot. Seemingly knowing that she was next.
      "The final act is upon us!" A pat on the shoulder was all it took for (Name) to disappear.
"(Last Name)'s gone!"
A masked villain, whom also bore a trench coat and top hat, tapped his cane against a thick branch. "Aha! You're looking for them?" The villain revealed three marbles in his hand, "I've taken them with my magic!"
"Give them back!"
(Name) blinked once, then twice. She knew...and felt that her eyes were open; yet all she could see was an endless abyss of black. She heard various crashes, and pained cries, but she couldn't see a thing. She attempted to move her limbs, but ultimately failed.
Her body felt light, an odd sensation crept through her form. She felt as if she was suspended in this abyss. What suspended her, she didn't know. It felt as if she was encased in a large tub of Jell-O.
'Mmm...what I would do for some Jell-O right now...'
A beam of sparking light pierced through the abyss, awaking (Name) from her...sensual thoughts of Jell-O. Her body jolted, as she barely identified a male's voice.
"—lease them."
Colors flooded into (Name)'s vision. She turned her head down, seeing the burnt arm that was firmly clasped around her neck.
"How bad...Todoroki Shouto."
Her current predicament crashed onto her. She was in villains clutches. Her (E/C) eyes were drained of any positive emotion. All one could identify in her gaze was fear.
With a final, straggled breath, she cried, "Sorry...Shouto."

Published- October 15, 2018

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