"It most certainly is, Miller," Jonathan retorted, "This is the most important secret you've ever been in possession of. From the sound of it, there are evil people behind this letter we're supposed to assume was from Zachary's cousin, do not think for one minute that this is a matter to be taken lightly by any stretch,"

"You wanna know the truth, 'Jay?" said Corey, "It's all I've been thinkin' about. This thing could mean a lotta trouble for everyone. I think its better to just live, man. Like what Corey's pops said last night."

"I appreciate that, Cor" said Zach, "I really do and I agree that we should go on with our lives, my dad's a pretty smart cop, Jonathan. I think I'll trust him on this."

"Even so, Zachary" said Jonathan, "My better judgment is to advice you not to play today and be with your parents as much as possible until you know for certain that there's absolutely no threat at all."

"Jon-Jon, don't make the man so nervous. What makes you think something's gonna happen today?" asked Corey rhetorically, "Let my boy play ball, besides, he's gotta another reason to go than just playin'. Ain't that right, Zachy?"

Zach knew exactly what Corey was talking about but out of shame, he played dumb, "Corey, I don't know what you're talking about."

"'Jay, you shoulda seen this boys face light up when I mentioned..." Corey paused, then whispered, "Kimberly." And almost on cue, Zach's face went red. Corey rolled on the floor laughing hysterically. In his moment of crazed levity, Corey was dropping food all over the floor.

Jonathan was obviously perturbed. "Miller, you sodding idiot!" snapped Jonathan. "You've made a bloody mess! You're like a child!" Corey looked at them both with a stunned comical expression and resumed his hilarity.

"Calm down, 'Jay," Corey said, rising from the floor, "I'll clean it up."

"Did you really think otherwise?" Jonathan said, "This isn't the barn you were raised in, Miller."

Corey's face became serious and there was a moment of awkward silence. Zach thought Jonathan was making a stab at Corey's family low-income status, which was very uncharacteristic of Jonathan, even when it came to insulting Corey.

"That wasn't cool, Jonathan." Zach said attempting to prevent a fist fight between his two best friends.

"You're right, Zachary." said Jonathan, "I'm sorry Corey, I wasn't trying to be personal. I was just frustrated."

"Nah, its cool, Jonathan." replied Corey, "I know you didn't mean it. I'm sorry about the mess."

This was one of the rare moments where Corey used Johnathan's full name. It was also a rare moment when they were civil to each other. It made Zach happy that in spite of their constant squabbles, Corey and Jonathan had a deep fondness for each other.

"No need to be sorry, Corey," said Jonathan sincerely, "Here" he said moistening a few wash cloths, "I'll help you." Jonathan handed Corey one and the two bent down on all fours cleaning up the mess. Zach didn't want to sit there like an idiot, so he joined them. This little incident had put everyone slightly on edge, so desperate to switch the topic Zach started talking about something else.

"Anyways." said Zach "What about you, Cor? You're the one talking about making her your 'new project'." Well, its better than what we were talking about before Zach thought.

"Dude." Corey replied, "You know I was jokin' about that, man. She's gotta boyfriend and everything."

"Wait," said Jonathan, "What 'new project'? What're you two talking about?"

Zach and Corey explained their conversation they had earlier in Zach's bedroom about Corey needing to improve his ways before high school. Zach explained Corey's intention to continue to treat girls like he had all junior high long. And that he wanted to start with Kimberly Adams.

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