Chapter 2 "Questions"

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*Brendon Urie's POV*

"WHAT!?" I said to my mother over the phone, "I HAVE A SIBLING AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?!" i slammed the phone down out of anger. I had so many questions to ask like where do they live, are they my sister or brother, why were we separated, why did you keep me and not them? So many thoughts rushed through my head giving me a headache. I took two pain killers and let myself calm down. I locked myself in my room and thought about my life. I'm an only child, I have a successful music career, I'm 23, and just found out I have a sibling!? I need to call someone and talk this out.

I decided to call one of my buddies, Spencer. He let his phone ring about four times before picking up.

"Hello?" Spencer said into the phone.

"Hey Spence, I need to talk to someone about...well...this problem", I half yelled at the phone still in shock.

"Oh yeah sure. What's up Bren? You sound upset..."

"I just found out I have a sibling!"

Spencer didn't answer.

"Hello?!?!" I yelled.

"Uh yeah. Sorry, I'm just surprised is all. So what are you gonna do?" he asked me.

"I guess I should just call my mom and talk to her... Well sorry for bothering you. I really just needed to tell someone. Are we still on for rehearsal at my place tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah definitely. And no problem bud." he said and hung up the phone. I was so stressed so I decided to call my mom again like I told Spencer I would.

I took a deep breath and dialed her number.

"Hey Brenny. I'm sorry I never told you and I feel like that makes me a horrible mother and I wish that-"

I cut her off. "Its fine. I just want to talk to you about this whole thing." I took a long pause then continued. "So just tell me, are they a boy or girl and why didn't you keep both of us?"

"Well, she is a girl and as you already know, I was a young mother when I had you- only 17, and 23 when i had her, so I just couldn't handle two kids at such a young age."

I was surprised, but she did have a good reason to keep only one of us. "So, do you know where she is?"

"Uh yes. I still keep in touch with her parents-"

"Not parents. You and dad are her real parents." I corrected her.

"Yeah sorry. I still keep in touch with them sometimes but not that often. Only to see how she's doing..." she replied.

"Where is she?" I asked again.

"She lives in Pennsylvania. In a very small town called Nazareth." she hesitantly replied.


"Hello Brendon, are you okay?" she asked.

"Yes. I'm going to find her soon. I'll call you later Mom. Love you, bye." I quickly answered and hung up the phone.


BAM! Chapter 2! Let me know what ya think!!


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