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it's been one and a half months since that first conversation. i still think about it.

was it one of the boys? who else did i know 'pretty well'? i was closest to them, after all.

daniel, maybe. they were really close. they even played video games together on the same team against corbyn and jack last night.

taking a deep breath, i decided to act on the decision i made last night. i walked to the bunks where leah, corbyn and daniel were talking. leah was seated next to daniel, which only made my jealousy surge.

"i have something to tell you," i said, looking directly at leah. daniel raised his eyebrows, and corbyn shot me a suggestive look.

leah didn't catch it, though. confused, she followed me to the back of the bus after telling the boys that she'd be right back.

i didn't realise what i said, only until it was too late. i couldn't ask her to go back and talk to corbyn and daniel now.

once she closed the door, she turned to me, making eye contact. "yeah?" she asked, her brow furrowed.

"i like you," i said, looking into her blue eyes. "ever since we became best friends."

her eyes betrayed no emotion. "oh. i see."

my heart sank.

then she smiled at me, and my heart stopped for a moment.

okay, maybe i was exaggerating. but still.

"zach. you know when i said i liked someone?"

"yeah?" i said.

she moved to sit next to me. grinning, leah looked up at me.

"that person's you."


that night, as i lay in bed, i had the biggest smile on my face. corny, i know. but judging from what had just happened, i had a great reason to smile.

"wait, really?" i asked her. i didn't want to believe what i heard until she confirmed it.

"yes, z. i like you," leah said, smiling at me. her cheeks were pink, and i was sure mine was too.

"oh, wow, i-" i said. i didn't know how to put my emotions into words. "i'm just so, so happy right now."

she smiled up at me. for the first time in years, i observed her eye colour. that shade of blue was almost exactly the same as daniel's.

"so," i said laughing, "so, since we both feel the same way," i put my arm around her, "wanna go out on saturday?"

she smiled again. "sure," she said. "it's a date, then."

as she walked towards the door, we heard a squeal from the other side of the door, before someone quickly shushed the person.

we exchanged glances, already knowing what was going on on the other side.

i got up from the couch too, and standing beside her, we pulled the door open together. four boys tumbled into the room and landed on the carpet.

at once, they stood up and dusted themselves off, their cheeks flushed red.

"oh, we didn't hear anything," said jonah, winking at me. "yeah, nothing at all," daniel and jack said in unison, smirking.

corbyn nodded, his mouth curled up in a smirk. "yeah, we'll leave you two to it, don't let us disturb you," he said.

corbyn turned around to walk back to his bunk before turning back to leah and i. "oh and, what was that ship name we thought of, guys?"

"oh, yeah," jack nodded.

"see you later, zeah," the four of them said together, laughing as they slid the door shut again.

i can't wait for saturday to come.

little did zach know, a lot more was going to happen before saturday.

a/n kinda okay chapter but sHoRt

the photographer. [zdh]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن