"Come on then." He sighed defeatedly as he grabbed his own bag. I put my phone in my leather jacket pocket and after I waved goodbye to my dad, I dragged Elliott into the open garage and tossed him the spare black helmet for him to put on. I twisted my hair so that it would fit easily beneath my black helmet as I pulled it on.

I swung my leg over my beautiful bike and turned the key in the ignition as Elliott hesitantly climbed on behind me.

"Hold on tight!" I laughed as I began speeding down the driveway and onto the empty street.

I grinned when Elliott's arms wrapped around my waist tightly. I would've gone a lot faster down the streets but I didn't want to scare him anymore.

It didn't take long to get to the school. And when we did I was in a state of awe. The school looked more like a university campus and it looked so modern. This school looked awesome!

I caught sight of some students hanging out on the front of the steps to the main building. I almost laughed; this was just so stereotypical! Everyone was hanging out in their own cliques. The main group that caught my attention was a large group of jocks, were all the guys in this town so darn hot?! Nearby a group of cheerleaders were giggling and staring at the jocks making me want to gag at how desperate they looked.

I pulled into a nearby parking space as I noticed half of the student body had started staring in Elliott and I's direction.

I turned my bike off and grabbed my keys as Elliott shakily climbed off of my bike. I slowly removed my helmet whilst remaining sitting on my bike, I shook my head allowing my black hair to fall in its natural waves down my back.

I slowly swung my leg over my bike and easily attached the helmets to the bike.

I swore under my breath when I dropped my keys on the floor. As I bent over to pick them up I felt a pair of hands on my hips.

"Damn baby girl who are you and will you please go out with me?"

I stood up casually and turned around to see the owner of the sexy deep voice. He was one of the hot looking jocks that I had seen standing in the group moments ago. He had short dark hair and brown eyes.

I smiled at this guy who still had his hands on my hips. "Oh hey." I replied as he grinned staring at me with hungry eyes. I bit my lip knowing his eyes are glancing greedily at my small action.

I made my voice sound as smooth as possible, "I'm Rory and you've got about 30 seconds to get your hands off me before I knee you in your special place," I said looking him up and down, "and you're way to sexy to be rolling around in pain." I smile smugly.

I could see Elliott silently laughing out of the corner of my eye.

The hot guy didn't even bother to remove his hands as he smiled at me with a genuine smile. "Damn that was the hottest brush off I've ever heard." He said.

"Dude." Elliott grinned as he stepped up beside me. "She really will kick you in the nuts if you don't let her go."

"Yes I will and your time is running out." I said with a grin to match Elliott's.

"I'm Alex Trescot by the way, co-captain of the football team and ice hockey team." He said as he reluctantly released my waist.

"I'm Rory Martinez. My dad is the new ice hockey coach." I said with a genuine smile.

"And I'm Elliott Bale." Elliott said shaking Alex's hand.

"Sorry about hitting on you but I'd be an idiot if I didn't try." Alex said as he sent me a wink.

"I'll take that as a complement." I said. "I don't suppose you could show us to the main office could you?"

"Sure thing! Follow me, newbies." He said as he slung his arm around my shoulders making Elliott laugh. This guy was seriously persistent!

I laughed with Elliott as Alex led us towards a smaller side building.

"If you guys need anything don't hesitate to ask me. I know everything about this place!" Alex said as we walked into the building.

"Oh really? Everything?" I asked as I raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at him.

"Yes." He said with a smirk.

"Yeah whatever." Elliott said from Alex's other side.

"Here we are." Alex said as he stopped up in front of the office desk.

"Hi there." I said to the receptionist.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" She asked.

"I'm Aurora Martinez and this is Elliott Bale, we're the new students." I told her with a small smile.

"Ah yes of course! One moment." She began typing away on her computer when I caught Alex smirking at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"Aurora? You're name is Aurora?" He asked trying not to laugh.

"No one calls me Aurora except my father. You will only ever call me Rory do you understand?" I told Alex with a fierce glare.

"Yeah, I understand!" He raised his hands innocently.

"Here you go." I turned back to the receptionist and took my schedule, school map and other school papers that I needed.

Elliott and I thanked her before Alex snatched our schedules and allowed his gaze to scan over them.

"Cool, we all have English together for our first lesson. Then I have Algebra with Rory whilst Elliott has Spanish. Then I have Geography with Elliott whilst Rory has History. And we all have Gym together last." Alex explained as he handed us our papers back. "But we need to find your lockers first. Come on."

Elliott and I followed Alex down the halls until he stopped in front of our lockers.

"Here ya are." He grinned, as he leant against the wall whilst Elliott and I quickly took the stuff we needed out of our lockers and stuffed everything into our bags.

"Thanks for helping us out, Alex." Elliott grinned as he smacked Alex's back in a friendly gesture.

"Anytime! The two of you will hang with me and my friends until you're settled. You need to be careful about a certain group though, they're trouble. I'll point them out when I see them." He smiled lightly as he began leading us down the corridor. I walked in between Elliott and Alex as we walked past the numerous staring students. Obviously they don't get many new students around here. "Come on we have English in five minutes." Alex said effectively breaking me from my thoughts.

I nodded as we walked over to a classroom labelled 'English 2'. I quickly followed Alex into the classroom, silently praying that things would go well.

Oh how I was soon to be proved wrong...

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