Chapter 4- This is Different

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I should've known. Look at where luck got me- in a coma, awakening with no memory.

They took me on a tour of the house (Which didn't take very long) and then made me dinner.

I put on a brave face and ate a spoonful, almost throwing up. Even so, it was hard to contain my gag.

I pushed the plate away from me. "I'm not really that hungry."

Renee smiled slightly, though it didn't reach her eyes. "That's fine sweetie." She grabbed my plate and put it in the sink before leaving, her eyes sad.

I felt terrible for her- Having your very own daughter not remember you, but I truly didn't. Everyone was a stranger.

I climbed up the stairs after showering and changing into a pair of sweats and collapsed tiredly on the bed.

I thought about everything. About my condition, my family, life.

To tell you the truth it didn't take very long. I had no life. At least a life I remembered.

The only thing worth waking up for was Edward.

Kind, caring Edward that I didn't even remember. He claims we were the bestest of friends, and I can see the agony in his eyes when I tell him I don't remember any of it.

His emerald green eyes dull a bit, and his body seems to shut down. His reddish brown hair was messy, but I had failed to see it tamed.

He spent most of his time with me, smiling whenever I laughed.

He was truly a sight for sore eyes.

His smile made you want to smile back, his laugh made you want to laugh along. He was just perfect in every way and I could see why I'd been friends with him.

But even with that strong feeling, clinging me to him, I wasn't ready to fully trust him. How could I? He was a stranger in my eyes. I knew nothing about him.

His hobbies, his favorite book, his favorite movies or TV shows. His favorite school subject, or his preferred music. Did he play sports? Compose music? Write novels? Read comic books?

I had more questions than answers.

I heard the door bell ring and Charlie's soft groan as I assumed he got up from the couch to answer the door.

There was a muffling a voices, and I couldn't make out much, except for a single phrase from Charlie.

"She just needs time, Edward."

He was here. I heard a sad sigh before the door closed and Charlie returned to his sports game.

I sat up, rocking myself softly. Edward really did care for me. I smiled slightly. It was nice to know I had- or maybe still have- such a great friend.

I heard a loud cry of pain from outside my window and jumped in shock. I raced over there, tripping over air. I opened the window, laughing as I saw Edward climbing up a large tree outside my bedroom.

He looked over to me surprised and smiled sheepishly, his cheeks blushing a bit.

There was a trickle of blood on his arm and I raised an eyebrow.

He just shook his head, muttering "Stupid trees."

I chuckled and he smiled crookedly back at me.

He was a few feet away from me, roughly two or three. Enough to climb in my window. I opened it wider, gesturing for him to come in.

He grinned widely and jumped in, shaking his head. "I remember doing that when we were about thirteen!"

I frowned.

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