Chapter 5- Can't Bare To

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Hey y'all!

Warning: This chappie's more of a filler and it probably isn't very interesting:(

Anyways, read on!


Chapter 5

Can't Bare To

Bella's P.O.V.

I woke up panting, my heart beating wildly. I took several breaths, my head spinning dizzily as I did so. My eyesight was fuzzy, but I was able to make out the time. I groaned. It was a few minutes after three in the morning.

When were these stupid nightmares going to vanish?

I laid down again, trying to coax myself to sleep, but nothing was working. I pushed off the warm, purple blanket on top of me and stood up, opening my bedroom door. Knowing I wasn't going to be able to sleep again, I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of milk.

I drank it swiftly, my sore and scratchy throat soothing slightly. When I finished the glass I poured myself another one, unable to dim my thirst.

I tip-toed back into my room, careful as to not awaken Charlie and Renee- or my parents for that matter- from their peaceful slumber.

Well maybe not Charlie's, I thought as I heard his loud snores coming from their bedroom.

I sat in the rocking chair in the corner of my light blue bedroom, my mind full of unanswered questions. My whole world seemed to be upside down. I didn't like it. I wished my life could be back to normal- whatever normal was.

More questions popped into my mind, making me dizzy once again. I sighed quietly and went into the kitchen once again to get some Tylenol. The dizziness decreased, a dull ache remaining.

reminded me of my new life.

What was the point? What was the point of even breathing? I didn't have a life. I didn't remember life.

All of the laughter, the light, everything was so harshly ripped away from me, leaving myself with a bitter darkness.

But somehow, there were stars. The stars illuminated the sky a bit, and I considered them my only hope.


That was a foreign feeling to me. Why should I have hope when no one knew when I would recover?

My whole life was big puzzle, and right now, I only had two pieces. One was my parents, and the other was Edward. None of them seemed to understand what I was going through. The constant agony of knowing anything about yourself. Of not knowing who you are.

When the clock hit five a.m. I sighed and got up from my comfy seat on the chair and went into the bathroom.

I meant to shower quickly, but it ended up taking longer than I expected. Let's just say, Renee and Charlie are going to be bathing in ice cold water.

I brushed my hair until it was silky smooth and left it loose. I changed in a pair of faded jeans and a blue t-shirt, tying the laces of my black converse before heading downstairs.

Charlie smiled timidly when he saw me. "Hey Bells."

I murmured a soft hi before grabbing a box of Cheerios and sitting down.

"I'm just leaving for work," Charlie said as he grabbed his gun.

I arched an eyebrow. "On a Sunday?"

He smiled sheepishly. "One of the guys called- There's been a break in. They need me to help them check it out." He clarified.

I nodded. "Be careful," I said. Though I didn't remember him, he still meant a lot to me.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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