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My mouth was terribly dry when my eyes finally opened, the sun glaze making me squint, “I see your awake, do you need anything to drink?” asked Jade, catching my attention, “... water …” I choked out, not remembering the last time I've opened my mouth to talk, “that's what I figured, here you go,” Jade said, giving me a cup of water, which I downed in one gulp, “Luna and Stacey went to Taco Bell, so it's just you and me, you need anymore water,” she said to me, “yes …” I coughed out, taking the full cup.


The girls finally came back, hands full with Taco Bell bags, “we’re back!” Stacey yelled, putting the bags down, “and we got everyone's favorite, or at least we tried to,” Luna interjected, glancing at me ever so often, “I-I don't know if you still like Mexican pizza … so here you go,” Luna stuttered, giving me my bags, “thanks,” I said, grabbing the first box, my stomach growling at the tasteful scent of junk food I haven't had for so long.

Behind Cold Blue Eyes Bk.1 [redo/lesbian] ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum