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I was beyond bored, wishing I was a warrior instead of a omega, so I can heal faster, 'Kelic, I'm bored, what about you' I asked my wolf, my eyes on a black and white movie that was playing, 'trust me, I'm bored too, lets hope someone comes to visit us' Kelic groaned, ears flat against her head, but no one came, in till an hour later; "hey, um...how are you doing?" Luna asked, taking a seat, "I'm doing ok, just a bit bored." I said, trying to contain Kelic, who is jumping around in joy, "oh...when will you be able to be released?" Luna asked, avoiding looking me in the eyes, "they said if I keep healing the way I do, I'll be able to go...home in two months or so." I replied, feeling dreadful when I think about my pack, "oh! That's good to hear." Luna said, smiling awkwardly, "yea, how is the festival planning going, sorry I won't be able to help." I asked her, changing the subject, "don't worry about that, its not your fault, so stop worrying." Luna laughed, digging in her purse for something.

Luna took out a box of chocolate, asking if I wanted some, "nah, I don't want to bother you." I declined, not wanting to feel guilty that she had to feed me the sweets, and also not to make my heart explode, "don't worry about it, I don't mind at all really." Luna chuckled, putting one in my mouth before I could protest, sending a wave of shocks, making me groan out loud; I turned red, as I realize what I did, [oh gosh, I'm actually going to die from embarrassment] I thought, not looking at the shocked beauty, "y-you felt that too!" she exclaimed, making me jump a bit, pain erupting at the sudden movement, "w-what do y-you mean." I said nervously, hoping for her to drop it, 'dude you can't act at all' Kelic groaned.

She was now glaring at me, like I did something wrong, "you know something, don't you." she accused, sending daggers of ice at me, "and don't lie, I can already tell your a bad liar Alex." she said, eyes not leaving mines, "yes...I do, but I can't tell right now, I want us to get to know each other better first, cause what I'm hiding can be a bad thing or a good thing, depending on how you'll react." I told her truthfully, feeling very dejected about having this conversation, "if that means you'll tell me, then ok then, I will accept this proposal." Luna said, calming down, getting another piece of chocolate, feeding me again, but this time avoiding any skin to skin contact.

We talked and laughed the whole hour, talking about random things; "well I have to go, my mom is having a family gathering tonight, so I'll see you tomorrow or Friday." Luna said, gathering her stuff, waving goodbye before leaving; I lost my smile immediately, feeling empty, 'well that went well, except for the whole touching part, what will you do, what if she hates us when she finds out about us' Kelic babbled, pacing around, 'I don't know what I will do, I just hope I can keep up this friendship as long as I kind before I blow it' I told Kelic, watching blank screen of the TV in silence.


Luna came back the next, bringing more boxes of chocolate, "are you trying give me diabetes!" I laughed, as she feeds me another turtle, "well I've noticed you are addicted to sweets, so why not." Luna chuckled, making me burn inside at her laugh, and that she knew my absolute love for sweets, "hey, can I get at least one hint, or a little snippet of what's going on?" asked Luna, putting a turtle in her mouth, the mood going from playful to serious, "ok sure. You see, I believe in the...supernatural, and I know its weird, but you'll understand when I tell you everything." I said, feeling nervous inside, afraid to be looked at as weird, especially when its my life partner; she was quiet for a while, making me feel even more nervous, "so, you believe in the supernatural like vampires and werewolves, etc.?" she asked, not looking at me, "y-yea, I know its a bit weird, but yea." I said, feeling my heart constrict at the thought of Luna of thinking I'm type of freak, "oh ok, that's interesting...do I get another hint or do I have to wait?" she asked, looking excited.

I couldn't believe she wasn't bothered by what I said, 'she must really want to know the truth huh' Kelic said amazed, 'yea' was my only reply, "how are you not weirded out, I just told that I believe in mythical creatures." I said, my arm feeling itchy, "my father believes there a bunch of gods, and that the supernatural exists, so I'm not freaked out at all." she laughed, making me stare at her in admiration; but before I could say, my door making me and Luna jump in our spots, "shittt!" I hissed at the throbbing pain now engulfing me, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." Jade said, entering the room, looking guilty as ever, "don't sweat it, its ok, I'll be fine." I said smiling to reassure her, which did made her relax, "well in that case, I brought movies, we're having hospital sleepover!" Jade exclaimed, setting her things down, "can I join?" Luna asked, looking at Jade with puppy dog eyes, "of course, just go get your stuff, we'll wait for you." Jade said, as Luna smiled brightly, now running out of the room, [this is going to a loooong night] I thought, relaxing in my bed.

Behind Cold Blue Eyes Bk.1 [redo/lesbian] ✔Where stories live. Discover now