Cafeteria Party {1}: Intruder Alert!

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*3 days later (which is Friday)*

"Kyoko's POV"

8:29PM [Cafeteria]


"(*sigh*)" I sighed, as I was now standing in the hallway, while now facing the front door of the cafeteria with a straight face on me.


"Why am I doing this?" I asked myself in my head in annoyance but at the same time in tolerance, as I now have my eyes closed and out of nowhere super quickly began to think of how it started from the beginning, until now.


4:55PM [Home]

As I finally got home from school, The first thing I did (beside locking the front door of my house) was that I began to go to my room to leave my stuff there, before grabbing a pink towel from my drawer with me and now headed towards the bathroom to take shower.

*Few Minutes Later*

5:10PM [Bedroom]


"Much better" I sighed in relaxation, as I entered in my bedroom with my pink towel on and began grabbing my new fresh clothes from my drawer, before now wearing them.

*Buzz* *Buzz*

"Hm?" After finished putting my new fresh clothes on, I heard my phone vibrate on my laptop desk.

I went towards it and pressed the menu button to see the text.


Aoi Asahina
Hi, Kyoko! 😊

"Oh. It's her." I said in my head in realization, as I now opened my phone and began texting back at her.


(*note: if you guys are confused in this part*)

(This side is Aoi)

(This side is Kyoko)

Sent: 5:10PM
Hi, Kyoko! 😊

Sent: 5:11PM

Sent: 5:11PM
What you doing?

Sent: 5:11PM
Nothing Much.

Sent: 5:12PM
Are you busy today?

Sent: 5:12PM
Not really. Why?

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