“Okay, okay. I’m not here to crack jokes. I’m here to ask you a question.” Wow, he’s so straightforward.

I looked at his flannel-covered arm and up to his blue, blue eyes. Sure, you can ask me any question.

“Yes? What about?” I replied casually. Well, I hope that came out casual.

The class inside the classroom was still going on and people are passing by us giving as quick glances and some are just lingering their eyes on Luke and I. I have never felt more conscious in my entire life.

Luke inhaled then he said, “What are you doing later this afternoon?”

First, he surprised me by being so touchy-feely and now he is asking me what my itinerary is for the day? Is he being paid to do this?

“Later? I- I have a remedial class,” I told him.

Luke’s face was indescribable. If disappointed was a person, he would look like Luke right now. He looks almost crushed.

“Oh yeah. I remember I have a remedial class too.” He said. You could hear his voice falter.

I was about to open my mouth and ask him why he was asking when the door of the classroom flung open, almost hitting Luke and I, and out the students who are already late for their next class.

“Hey Luke,” some of them greeting and some are just giving me knowing glances.

“Well, I’ll just see you around then! Bye Teddy!” Luke removed his warm arm and waved off.

I looked at my bare shoulder and smiled weakly at him. I don’t want to say goodbye.

“Sorry to keep you waiting but the classroom is ready for your next class,” the teacher told me as he gathered his things from the table and went out.

“No problem,” I whispered.

That was so surreal.


“That’s it for today, class dismissed” My last class teacher announced and I gathered my things and hugged the books to my chest.

I ran to my locker and stuffed books that doesn’t need advanced reading and grabbed my History book and my Math book.

I’m going to have my Math remedial class first then to my History remedial class.

I went to the math remedial classroom to see it crowded already. Of course, Math has got to be the one with full students. Math is never easy and I am glad to see that I am not the only one who detest math.

I took the seat near the window and opened my book. The teacher-student was a boy from another math class. His name was Andrew. He was nice and I did understand some of the things he was talking about so yeah I learned something from him.

After a few problems and people asking him questions, math remedial class has ended and we thanked and congratulated him for a job well done. Then I hurried to my history class. I hope I am as effective of a teacher as Andrew is.

I knocked on the classroom door to see it brimming with my classmates already and a few I do not know.

I was glad to see a few familiar faces and started writing some stuff on the board.  Then explained some stuff they don’t understand and basically we were just discussing about our history lessons where sometimes I have to correct them. It was like just a friendly conversation with friends but we talk about Mao Zedong and Genghis Khan and other people involved.

Underneath The Same Sky (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now