Chapter 5: Save the Last Seat for Me

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Chapter 5:

*Ring* *ring*

I opened my eyes and check my digital clock. It’s only 6:15 am. I still have a few minutes to dozed-

6:15?! How did I oversleep? I am so late! My classes start at 6:30!

I got up to get the clothes I laid on the night before and brought my toothbrush and toothpaste and went to the bathroom in our house. I don’t have to shower today because I took one last night. I wore my clothes and ran all the way to the Dining Hall, there were only a few students left so I got a yogurt drink instead of breakfast.

I finally made it to my first class, English. Two more classes then it was lunch. Roxette sat with me during lunch.

The lunch was noisy and crowded as usual but I managed to get a seat near the exit. I don’t normally eat at the dining hall but Roxette insisted that we eat together.

“Hey good morning” she greeted as she plopped down next to me. Roxette was wearing pink leggings and an oversized yellow sweater and blue high tops and a huge blue ribbon on her hair. She looks so cool.

“hey!” I greeted back before eating my beef stroganoff

“Last night was so fun, right?” she asked as she open her milk carton. She drinks milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

“Yeah. They were really good.” I said, shrugging.

“Yeah. I’m also glad you liked them.” She smiled at me. I know what she’s thinking. Whenever Roxette introduces me to her friends, I would just sit there and cling to her, I wouldn’t interact with her friends. But with the boys, my mouth was on a roll. I guess she noticed it too.

“Any of them you find cute?” she asked out of nowhere.

“What are you talking about?” I almost choked on my stroganoff.

“They’re boys. Scratch that, they’re very cute boys. I’m sure one of them caught your eye.” Roxette said as she mixed her crispy noodles to the sauce.

“I have no time for boys, Roxy. And you know that.” I pointed out to her.

“Okay, we’ll just have to see.” She said darkly.


Lunch ended and I have 4 more classes and then my favourite subject, Science.

I entered science class and sat at the very back. Roxette and I don’t have the same science class so she’s not with me.

 I have only one friend here though, his name is Gary, he has short black hair and he has a short stature, we kinda have the same height and he also reminds me of Dilton from the Archie comics and he wears glasses too and he was also dubbed as the school nerd. Many people tease him about me and him being the nerd couple of this school. But we treat each other like siblings and Gary doesn’t really let it get to him because he says his inspiration was Dakota Fanning and that’s enough to make him ignore those imbeciles.

I walked up to the back row and sat down. Gary likes to sit at the first row. I said hi to him before I walked up the back. There were only four people sitting at the back row.

Our science teacher, Ms. Jones entered. She’s like in her early 30s and she’s really cool. She makes science very fun.

She talked about our lesson and who answered their assignments and hand back our last quiz and I got a perfect score.

Underneath The Same Sky (Luke Hemmings)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن